Friday, January 10, 2025

Google's John Mueller: Move JavaScript Below HTML Headers - Search Engine Journal

Last updated Tuesday, January 10, 2023 10:05 ET , Source: NewsService

John Mueller from Google advises placing JavaScript code underneath the HTML header to ensure that search engines can clearly understand your website.

  • To make sure that search crawlers can understand your website, it's important to place JavaScript code below the HTML header tag.
  • The placement of HTML code can adversely impact SEO efforts if it doesn't appear at the top of the page.
  • Additionally, you can assist search crawlers by keeping the <head> section and clean and well-organized.

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Google’s John Mueller suggests placing JavaScript code below the HTML header tag to ensure search crawlers can fully understand your website.

Mueller shares this advice in a Reddit thread, where a user asks whether HTML code placement could cause SEO issues.

The answer is yes; the placement of HTML code could adversely impact your SEO efforts if it doesn’t appear at the top of the page.

More specifically, it’s important to keep the <head> section of the HTML document at the top of the page. This section should contain the information that Google needs to read your site properly.

Any JavaScript code should be placed below the HTML headers.

To make sure that the JavaScript isn’t interfering with the <head> section, Mueller recommends using the rendering tool in Search Console:

“The html headers (<head>)...

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