Thursday, January 9, 2025

How to Write an SEO-Enhanced LinkedIn Profile - SHRM

Last updated Tuesday, January 17, 2023 12:05 ET , Source: NewsService

Did you know that LinkedIn has officially passed 500 million users? That's a lot of people in one spot. So how do you get recruiters who are looking to hire someone with your experience and skill set to visit your LinkedIn profile? The answer is through search engine optimization (SEO) techniques.

LinkedIn's search functionality is very similar to Google's in that it uses ranking measurements, with SEO being one of the most important. SEO is commonly defined as a set of practices designed to improve the positioning of webpages in organic search results, so the better the SEO, the more likely your profile is to be seen.

The key is understanding that you create your own unique webpage with each social media profile you establish. While LinkedIn is hosting your page on their website, you have access to update and highlight it. The same is true of Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube and others. Wherever you have a profile you can manipulate, that is your webpage.

Recruiters who visit LinkedIn to find candidates typically use the site's search function, where they input keywords to identify people who have a specific company, job, product, group, event, college and more within their profile. Of course, there are some things out of your control, such as location and connection level, that influence where your profile shows up in the search results. But we can at least aim for your listing to appear on the first page of results.

When creating your LinkedIn...

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