Monday, January 6, 2025

Is Online Marketing Worth It? Hear it From Jonas Muthoni - The Good Men Project

Last updated Friday, January 20, 2023 20:05 ET , Source: NewsService

If even in 2023, we, as business owners, are asking whether online marketing is worth it, there is something really wrong. In this modern era, where we have witnessed one of the darkest times in the form of a pandemic, we need to realize the significance online marketing holds. It is much more crucial for business success than traditional marketing techniques.

Businesses need to realize that if traditional marketing strategies produced great results before COVID-19 took over, they would not be as effective today in the post-pandemic era. The times are changing, and it is critical for businesses to evolve with it, or they will be left far behind in the competition.

So, investing your time, effort, and money in the right online marketing strategy is worth it and will work wonders for your business.

The question is, which digital marketing strategy is critical in this day and age?

As the digital marketing expert Jonas Muthoni states, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is what you need to look at. Numerous online marketing techniques are being used across the industry, but the power of SEO is unparalleled.

When talking to New to the Street, Jonas discussed how critical a role SEO plays in marketing today. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most effective online marketing techniques to bring organic traffic to a website. As the majority of the world’s population that has access to the internet uses Google to make search queries, it is evident that high visibility over Google SERPs...

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiZWh0dHBzOi8vZ29vZG1lbnByb2plY3QuY29tL2J1c2luZXNzLWV0aGljcy0yL2lzLW9ubGluZS1tYXJrZXRpbmctd29ydGgtaXQtaGVhci1pdC1mcm9tLWpvbmFzLW11dGhvbmkv0gFpaHR0cHM6Ly9nb29kbWVucHJvamVjdC5jb20vYnVzaW5lc3MtZXRoaWNzLTIvaXMtb25saW5lLW1hcmtldGluZy13b3J0aC1pdC1oZWFyLWl0LWZyb20tam9uYXMtbXV0aG9uaS9hbXAv?oc=5

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