Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Website Optimization: What To Expect And How To Get Started - Forbes

Last updated Thursday, February 9, 2023 08:05 ET , Source: NewsService

Max Cyrek, CEO of Cyrek Digital, is an SEO expert, web designer, and digital marketing consultant with over 10 years of experience.

Most businesses probably want their websites to be placed higher in Google search results. The search engine favors some websites more than others, but smart and effective website optimization can help you gain and maintain a higher position in the search results.

Let’s take a look at what to expect from the website optimization process, and how to get started.

What Is Website Optimization?

Website optimization, also known as search engine optimization, is the set of actions you can take to get your domain to a higher position on Google, which helps you attract more visitors. Websites that undergo SEO generate organic traffic. Paid Google ads are the opposite of SEO—they generate paid traffic.

SEO is a complex process that can be divided into two groups of actions: First, there are those that take place on-site. These include keyword analysis, website indexing, headline optimization, internal linking, placing key phrases, creating metadata, etc.

Then there are off-site actions. These include link building (acquiring external links on forums, blogs and information portals), sponsoring articles, content marketing and analyzing your competition.

Before You Optimize, Get An SEO Audit

Before you start optimizing your website, it’s wise to first get an SEO audit to see the current state of your domain. This allows you to identify critical issues on...

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