Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Reddit: SEO Guy Travels Across Europe To Upload Photos Locally To Facebook - Search Engine Roundtable

Last updated Tuesday, February 14, 2023 08:05 ET , Source: NewsService

A Reddit thread, spotted via Areej AbuAli on Twitter, says that there is an SEO guy who travels across multiple regions in Europe to upload photos to Facebook from that local region. The SEO claims it helps with "better reach and ranking in the eyes of the algorithms."

I was not planning on covering this but once John Mueller and Gary Illyes from Google responded, I figured why not. Of course, the SEO community is having a field day with this thread. Let me quote it:

Our SEO guy travels abroad to upload Facebook posts

I recently moved to a new company that sells goods to several European markets and found out that the SEO guy has been traveling to one of our target markets just to upload posts to Facebook. He insists on that doing this gives our business and social profiles better reach and ranking in the "eyes of the algorithms." I was lost for words once I heard about it at first and am struggling to prove that this is not the correct approach, as he has been quite successful in telling stories about how important and beneficial this strategy has been over the years. Does anyone here have any good tips on how to put this topic to rest with the stakeholders who aren’t that fluent in SEO and marketing?

Here is Areej's post on Twitter:

Gary Illyes from Google gave his classic "no" response, basically confirming, at least with Google Search, this has no positive or negative impact on ranking better or worse at Google. Let's not forget that Google does not use Facebook...

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiRWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNlcm91bmR0YWJsZS5jb20vc2VvLWd1eS10cmF2ZWxzLWZvci1sb2NhbC1zZW8tMzQ5MDUuaHRtbNIBSWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNlcm91bmR0YWJsZS5jb20vYW1wL3Nlby1ndXktdHJhdmVscy1mb3ItbG9jYWwtc2VvLTM0OTA1Lmh0bWw?oc=5

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