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5 Ways To Dominate Your Niche In 2023: From Hyper-Local SEO to ... - Realbusiness

Last updated Tuesday, August 29, 2023 11:02 ET , Source: NewsService

A business niche is a specialised or focused area of a broader market that your brand serves specifically. Finding a niche in the market differentiates your business from the competition and allows you to excel in your sector.

However, it’s more important to have control of your business by standing out as the niche leader than to worry about eliminating or out-competing your competitors. Simply, it’s easier to dominate your niche than compete in it.

So, here are five ways you can dominate your niche in 2023:

Use Hyper-Local SEO

Hyper-local search engine optimisation (SEO) is when a business uses keywords and search terms to optimise its online presence to attract local customers in a specific geographic area such as a town or street. This increases local traffic and footfall.

Businesses should use hyper-local SEO to simplify the search journey for consumers and receive a high Google ranking, making them stand out from competitors.

When someone searches for “restaurants in …” or “restaurants near me”, Google rewards sites that implement hyper-local SEO by highlighting them on Google Maps, including them in the box-out listings, and ranking them well.

Below is an example of restaurants in Selby ranking well with hyper-local SEO.

Be Results Driven

It’s not wise to leave anything up to chance, so base your marketing strategy on your desired results. Most businesses are driven by their results, but if you want to dominate your niche, focus on achieving customer...

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