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'Won't allow anyone to come on Indian soil in Ladakh': Northern ... - Hindustan Times

Last updated Monday, September 11, 2023 07:02 ET

The chief of the Northern Command, Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi on Monday said that the army is “always operationally prepared” on the Line of Control (LoC) and Line of Actual Control (LAC) with Pakistan and China, respectively, to meet any challenges and asserted that they would not allow anyone to come on the Indian side.
“We are always operationally prepared on the LoC and LAC to meet any challenges with Pakistan and China,” he told media persons at the three-day North Tech Symposium 2023 at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jammu.
Asserting that the situation in Ladakh was “normal and very nice”, he said, “As an army commander of the Northern Command, whatever I am guarding is our area and I will not allow anyone to come on Indian side.”
Meanwhile, lieutenant governor of Ladakh, Brig (retd) BD Mishra, who was also present at the event, said that “not an inch of Indian land has been occupied” by China in the region.
It may be recalled here that senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, during his nine day visit to Ladakh, had accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of peddling lies to the opposition over Chinese incursion in eastern Ladakh- a claim the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led central government has outrightly rejected.
India and China are locked in a protracted border standoff in eastern Ladakh for the past three years. The ties between the two neighbours nosedived following a deadly clash in Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh in June 2020 when 20 Indian soldiers died in...

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