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Simple or SEO-Savvy: The Pros and Cons of Google Sites - EIN News

Last updated Friday, September 22, 2023 14:02 ET , Source: NewsService

Google offers multiple free tools for users to create and build their own websites.

Although Google emphasizes SEO for improving a site's rankings, it offers very few options for optimizing Google Sites.

Google Sites offer a quick fix for businesses that lack an online presence, but Actual SEO Media, Inc. describes why these should be considered "starter homes."

HOUSTON, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, September 22, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Amidst the dynamic landscape of the digital marketplace, where every click and keyword can determine a business's online fate, choosing a website platform becomes akin to selecting the ideal foundation for a skyscraper. It's a decision that not only dictates how high one can climb but also how firmly one can stand amidst fierce competition.

Enter Google Sites, an intriguing contender in the relentlessly expanding world of website-building platforms.

By looking over the pros and cons of Google Sites, particularly regarding its SEO capabilities (or lack thereof), a business owner can decide whether the platform is the golden ticket they've been looking for or a glass slipper that doesn't quite fit. Actual SEO Media, Inc. navigates the peaks and pitfalls of this service to enlighten those on the search for a simple hosting solution.

A Simple Solution for Website Design

For those unfamiliar with the platform, Google Sites is a hosting solution found within the Google Workspace toolkit that allows the creation of websites. Even individuals without...

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