Friday, January 10, 2025

A guide to SEO in content writing - Media Update

Last updated Thursday, September 28, 2023 07:02 ET , Source: NewsService

For a content writer, there is nothing worse than working hard on a piece, taking the time to upload it onto the Internet and then having no one read it. Read on to find out how SEO can make that nightmare disappear.

In the life of a content writer, clicks are your be-all and end-all.

It is what you live and strive for. You want people to click on your article, read it and, ultimately, love it. Organic clicks are the dream.

Some content writers have daydreams about their articles popping up on people's Google searches, answering all their questions. It sounds magical.

How do you make this happen? SEO!

Have no worries because media update's Alrika Möller explains all the ins and outs of SEO below:

What is SEO?

Let's start at the very beginning.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It sounds complicated, but when you break it down, it becomes a lot less scary.

Whenever you search for something online on Google, ChatGPT or whatever you use as your search engine, it uses SEO to determine what results it will give you.

What are SEO keywords?

SEO keywords are the words and phrases that determine where you rank according to SEO. Let me explain!

We already covered the fact that SEO is what ensures that people will see your writing pop up on Google when they search for something. Keywords are what decide what will end up on top and what will end up at the bottom of page 1 999 of Google.

The more SEO keywords you have, the better you rank. The Internet may be smart, but it...

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiTGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm1lZGlhdXBkYXRlLmNvLnphL21lZGlhLzE1NDcxNy9hLWd1aWRlLXRvLXNlby1pbi1jb250ZW50LXdyaXRpbmfSAQA?oc=5

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