Thursday, January 9, 2025

Google Search Ranking Algorithm Volatility Sunday, October 1st? - Search Engine Roundtable

Last updated Monday, October 2, 2023 19:02 ET , Source: NewsService

I am seeing some early signs of an unconfirmed Google search ranking algorithm update, maybe some small shifts, starting yesterday, Sunday, October 1st. Only a couple of the tools showed volatility yesterday but there is renewed chatter within the SEO forums as of yesterday.

As a reminder, the Google September 2023 helpful content update just finished rolling out on Septmeber 28th - and that update was a big one.

Again, I am seeing some early chatter but I wanted to cover it. I will keep an eye on the chatter throughout the day but right now, here is the chatter I see both at WebmasterWorld and some of the comments here:

Massive drops across whole swaths of semantically related terms today. I just checked and many of my main landing pages are down 25%-70%...huge drops for every variation of the terms. Meanwhile I have not lost any rank at all, and in fact am ranking higher on some of them. Even terms with #1 ranking have lost the traffic this entire week. Not one new conversion for 8 days now. This looks like a repeat of the tactics Google used in 2022...all the quality traffic just vanishes, and is replaced by sudden surges of traffic, traffic to obscure low-level pages, and visitors which do not convert at all.
Yesterday I had the biggest drop in traffic in the history of my main website.
20% increase in organic traffic yesterday, seems to be holding today.

In my vertical it looks like a big boost to .edu domains.

Once again Traffic and Conversions have stopped since...

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiTmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNlcm91bmR0YWJsZS5jb20vZ29vZ2xlLXNlYXJjaC1yYW5raW5nLWFsZ29yaXRobS1zaGlmdHMtMzYxNDIuaHRtbNIBAA?oc=5

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