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The Role Of Blog Content And Multiple Search-Friendly Formats In ... - Search Engine Journal

Last updated Wednesday, November 22, 2023 06:02 ET , Source: NewsService

The Evolution Of Search & SERPs 2024

If you want to know what’s happening in the world of SEO, how it’s changed over the last year, and which tactics are going to make the biggest impacts, you won’t want to miss this discussion, brought to you by Surfer.

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There has always been an intimate bond between content and SEO.

Today, I want to share some thoughts and tips on blogs, content, and search-friendly formats in particular. Furthermore, I will share insights into how generative AI has added a new element to this relationship.

Google’s recent updates about helpful and valuable content have reignited discussions on how content is found and where it ranks.

The Bigger Blog And Content Picture

People do not consume media in silos, and search engines no longer present results in silos. Search results are changing from the evolution of the 10 blue links to the rise of short-form videos.

As marketers, we need to ensure we are presenting consumers with experiences driven by a combination of text, visual, audio, and social content

Last year, there were widespread suggestions on the decline of blogging, mainly due to short-form social media platforms like TikTok and snappy video platforms like YouTube shorts becoming popular.

However, in a recent survey, out of all the content marketing channels – videos, infographics, eBooks, and online events – 78% of enterprises used blogs to help market their brands last year.

Image from Content Marketing Institute, November 2023...

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