Job Application HQ is a newly launched website that hosts companies who are looking for employees on their site. The main mission of the new site is to help people find jobs by providing links to companies with online job applications. Job Application HQ also offers suggestions on filling out applications and submitting them.
The main focus of the site is to help prospective employees with their job hunting by providing a one-stop online job applications source. By offering the job search candidate the name of companies looking for employees and access to their online job applications, this site can save a lot of time for job searchers. One great page to illustrate how this works can be found by visiting Walgreens Application. Currently, Job Application HQ is focusing on the retail job industry with openings in clothing stores, shoe stores, and sporting goods. As time goes on, more categories may be added.
Applications on the site are for both hourly paid employees and management employees. By clicking on one of the companies listed, you'll be able to find out what current positions that company has open and a brief summary of the job skills needed. Since the companies listed are national chains, there's usually a spot where the applicant can type in their zip code to find out what jobs are available in their location.
Helpful information is also given to the applicant on the website where you can find the a “Job Application Guide” and even "Job Application Tips". This helpful guide should be read by all applicants. It gives information on how to apply for online job openings, tips on completing the online job application, and how to avoid traps and scams. Job Applications HQ realizes that some applicants may find it overwhelming searching for a job and filling out applications. This helpful section will guide an applicant as he or she fills out online job applications.
One tip offered for those seeking a job is to match the company's required job skills for a position with the job skills that you have. It's important to note that many applications and resumés find their way to the wastebasket because they don't list their skills in relation to the job that they're applying for. The advice offered by Job Application HQ suggests that applicants read the details of the job requirements and think about what skills they have that can match those requirements. If applicants list the job skills that a company is looking for, chances are the application will be looked at closely.
The new site also offers customer service to help applicants better. At the end of each section on the website is a spot where applicants can post comments or questions. Questions will be promptly and professionally answered by a staff member of Job Application HQ..
Job Application HQ website is a handy resource that job searchers can readily access. The new site will save time and will direct you to the correct location to fill out the companies job application.
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Job Hunting Made Easier With Job Application HQ
Last updated Tuesday, March 27, 2012 13:26 ETJob Application HQ makes it a whole lot easier for people who are job hunting.

Southaven, USA, 03/27/2012 / SubmitMyPR /
job hunting
job applications
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