Gina Von Lach is an up and coming actress based in Los Angeles, CA. She is beautiful, intelligent and smart.
Is Hollywood ready to take this stunning beauty with brains?
Gina spent a few years living in the "Windy City". While visiting Los Angeles, Gina was approached by filmmakers, who were interested in her unique look, charisma and talent. After few years of confusion and dilemma, Gina decided to move to Hollywood, to pursue her acting career. She has never picked this path, it picked her. Gina have a passion for acting.
She is also a entrepreneur and activist against domestic violence.” Fire under the ice” a cultivated, refined, and sophisticated, “old Hollywood” glamour actress.
Gina constantly improves her acting skills. She enjoys playing more complex character, rather than easy and predictable.
She likes to be challenged, the bigger the challenge the greater the satisfaction when she pulls it off." Action movies are her favorites.
Gina’s favorite quote: "Every individual is unique and gifted in some way. Just that talent or brilliance alone does not get you to the Top; it is what you do with that brilliance and talent that differentiates people".
We look forward to see more of this beautiful and talented actress.
For current news and more info follow her on Twitter at: @ginavonlach
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- Is Hollywood ready to take this stunning beauty with brains?
Is Hollywood ready to take this stunning beauty with brains?
Last updated Thursday, May 17, 2012 23:51 ETGina Von Lach is a beautiful and talented actress, entrepreneur and activist against domestic violence.

Hollywood, USA, 05/17/2012 / SubmitMyPR /
gina von lach
movie star
domestic violence
old hollywood glamour
talented actress
stunning beauty
acting skills