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New York therapist adding to Therapy and Couples Counseling in NYC

Last updated Monday, May 21, 2012 12:20 ET

New York therapist expanding practice from therapy and couples counseling in NYC

New York, USA, 05/21/2012 / SubmitMyPR /

Longtime New York therapist, Dr. Michael DeMarco (http://www.mytherapistnewyork.info) is unveiling plans of expanding counseling and therapy services offered by his psychotherapy practice with the addition of new staff in his Union Square office, currently providing individual and couples counseling in NYC.

The new mental health therapists continue to ensure the practice's philosophy of offering modern, effective psychotherapy based upon the latest research in family counseling, couples counseling, sex therapy, psychotherapy, depression treatment, anxiety treatment, gender identity, career counseling and human sexuality. Dr. DeMarco, a practicing psychotherapist since 2002, supervises pre-licensed therapists and graduate clinicians who are able to gain their required supervised experience while offering psychotherapy at a lower rate than other therapists in New York.

Dr. DeMarco and his counselors aim to help rebuild intimate connections and strengthen relationships by helping to develop the skills and tools to overcome life challenges, previously focusing on individual or couples counseling. The New York therapists are adding therapy groups for anger management, non-traditional relationships (open relationships, poly-amorous, kink), stress management and relaxation, gender and sexual identity,bereavement (grief and loss) and coping with breaking up and/or divorce. Group therapy is an effective addition to having individual counseling or couples counseling.

A special note to LGBT youth: " I suffered through bullying and didn't feel comfortable talking to anyone about it out of fear that nothing would be done, or the bullying would turn to violence. This made for a torturous middle and high school experience. Now I'm a therapist, and work with people struggling with coming out at all ages, as well as the countless other issues LGBT people struggle with daily. Anything can be talked out. Even though it may seem like no one cares, there are people out there who do care, who love you just for being you and who want to see you grow and succeed, wherever you live- there are places you can go and people there to help."

Dr. Michael DeMarco and his staff of culturally sensitive mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists differ from other therapists in New York by offering therapy on a sliding scale, making counseling in NYC affordable for everyone. Therapy sessions are offered by appointment 7 days a week. (Therapy in English, Spanish and French available)

About Dr. Michael DeMarco:
In addition to offering couples counseling in NYC, DeMarco is a licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed mental health counselor and board certified clinical sexologist. DeMarco was elected president of the New York Mental Health Counselor's Association NYC Chapter and Member-At-Large of the New York Association for Marriage and Family Therapists in 2009. DeMarco also works with the media including HBO, VH1, Spike TV, Details Magazine, Esquire Magazine, a column "Head Case" in the newspaper "Camp" and currently writes a blog at http://drdemarco.tumblr.com (and an active twitter at http://www.twitter.com/drdemarco) Dr. DeMarco has also served as adjunct faculty in Psychology for City University of New York (BMCC and Hunter), and Mercy College, and in Counseling at Long Island University.

For additional information for finding a New York therapist or for couples counseling in NYC, visit http://www.mytherapistnewyork.info where you can read about the psychotherapy staff and schedule your therapy appointment. For a phone consultation call 212-343-7008.