SolveIT Software Pty Ltd, a leading provider of enterprise software for supply & demand optimisation and predictive modelling, announced today that it has been selected by Roy Hill Iron Ore (RHIO) for the provision of demand chain simulation services. SolveIT Software’s APS and SCNO applications will be configured for simulating the Roy Hill operations and associated outbound supply chain, including mine, rail and port.
SolveIT Software’s integrated application suite and consulting services will combine to generate robust simulations under a range of assumptions to confirm feasibility and throughput projections over the early and aggressive ramp-up periods for the demand chain.
“We selected SolveIT Software for simulation of the Roy Hill Iron Ore demand chain as they are experienced in optimising complex and dynamic logistics processes and have proven capability in multi-objective, non-linear model creation for global leading mining value chains, ” said Mr Mike Lomman, General Manager, Demand Chain for Roy Hill. “The Roy Hill operation is progressing rapidly towards the delivery of one of the world’s most efficient and advanced integrated operations. We are developing sophisticated remote operations and autonomy operating models to help drive efficiencies and scalability required to maximise the value of the asset and SolveIT Software’s approach fits well with this model”.
“We see Roy Hill Iron Ore as a critical partner and organisation founded on similar principles to SolveIT Software, capturing local and world-leading innovation and applying it in exciting ways to improve strategic and operational decision making,” said Mr James Balzary, Director of Natural Resources for SolveIT Software. “Adding value to an organisation early in its lifecycle and ensuring that the technology used transitions from feasibility through to operations is a key strategy of SolveIT Software. Our ability to simulate prior to first ore production then migrate the same simulation and optimisation model to production planning & scheduling use is being very well received by the mining community.”
About Roy Hill Iron Ore
The Roy Hill Iron Ore Project is a large iron ore deposit located in the Chichester Ranges of the Pilbara region of West Australia. The deposit has more than 2.4 billion tonnes of iron ore and is located in one of the world’s premier iron ore provinces. The operation is set for production beginning in late 2014. The project is majority owned by Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd (HPPL), an Australian company that has a long and important association with the Pilbara and the iron ore sector. The group HPPL has significant plans for further development in both the Pilbara region of Western Australia and other areas in Australia.
About SolveIT Software
SolveIT Software Pty Ltd is an Australian company specialising in supply & demand optimisation and predictive modelling. With more than 150 employees across 5 offices, we offer enterprise advanced planning software for supply chain network optimisation, demand planning & forecasting, and mining optimisation. Our mine software applications cover mine exploration planning, mining planning and pit to port mine optimisation. Customers of SolveIT Software include Rio Tinto Iron Ore, Rio Tinto Simandou, Xstrata Coal, Xstrata Copper, Xstrata Zinc, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, BMA Coal, Fortescue Metals Group, Pacific National Coal, Crossland Resources, Viterra, Visy Industries, Pernod Ricard Pacific, Amcor, CBH Group, Incitec Pivot, ElectraNet, Fosters Group, PFD Food Services, Liquor Marketing Group, Hancock Prospecting, and the Australian Defense Science and Technology.
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Statements made in this news release that relate to future plans, events or performances are forward-looking statements. Any statement containing words such as "believes", "plans", "expects" or "intends" and other statements which are not historical facts contained in this release are forward-looking, and these statements involve risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations. Consequently, actual results could differ materially from the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements.
Contact Details:
SolveIT Software Pty Ltd
Level 1, 99 Frome Street, Adelaide, SA 5000
P.O. Box 3161, Adelaide, SA 5000
Phone: +61 8 8221-5533
Fax: +61 8 8221-5677
Mail: [email protected]
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- SolveIT Signs Contract with Roy Hill Iron Ore
SolveIT Signs Contract with Roy Hill Iron Ore
Last updated Thursday, July 26, 2012 05:28 ETSolveIT Software a leading provider of enterprise software for predictive modeling announced today that it has been selected by Roy Hill Iron Ore (RHIO).

Adelaide, Australia, 07/26/2012 / SubmitMyPR /
iron ore
roy hill iron ore
supply & demand optimisation
mining australia
mining planning
mine planning
advanced planning software