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Spanish Rollerblader Anuska Gil will skate the Californian Camino Real

Last updated Thursday, May 9, 2013 19:30 ET

The challenge to rollerblade along the 600 miles of the Californian Mission Trail will mirror a previous experience in Spain, as announced at United Nations.

Barcelona, Spain, 05/09/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

El Camino Real lovers as well as rollerbladers will enjoy the challenge that "Skating the Way" (Patinando el Camino) intends to undertake: rollerblading along the 600 miles of the Californian Mission Trail, as Anuska Gil announced at United Nations. The experience will take place with the support of the NGO Peace and Cooperation Foundation, SeRueda and Yakart Centro Caravaning, between others.

Last February 28, filmmaker and rollerblader Anuska Gil presented her program, "Skating the Way" at the headquarters of the U.N. in New York. This original challenge consisted of skating 600 miles of the St. James Way (Camino de Santiago), from France to Spain, honoring sixteen humanitarian women who lived along the route.

With the support of a video crew of four and a group of sponsors, such as rollerblading equipment specialists SeRueda and Yakart Centro Caravaning, a motorhome rental company in Spain providing logistics, Anuska Gil completed her challenge on October 30, 2012.

The president of the NGO Peace and Cooperation Foundation, Joaquin Antuña, invited the project to the U.N. in the framework of the “Art as Universal Language: “Creativity for Peace” campaign, as an example of creativity in favor of peace.

It was then, when Anuska Gil announced her intention to bring the experience to the United States, and skate the 600 miles of El Camino Real, also known as The Royal Road or the King´s Highway, the California Mission Trail connecting the former Alta California's 21 missions, from San Diego to Sonoma.

Between 1683 and 1834, Spanish missionaries established the religious outposts approximately 30 miles apart, one day's ride on horseback, and they sprinkled mustard seeds along the trail in order to mark it with bright yellow flowers.

“With rollerblades, good will, and the desire to create a better world it’s possible to put creativity in the service of peace. My intention is to encourage many other people to join in a positive spirit to help create a better world“ - said the filmmaker and rollerblader.

A community of over 20,000 followers in Facebook will wait for the new deed, and Spanish sponsors such as SeRueda and Yakart Centro Caravaning will support the American adventure.