Reportedly, and with the official summer season just starting to kick off, many New Yorkers and tourists are expecting hot and humid weather so they can enjoy time at the beach, pool, or however else someone may decide to enjoy the dog days of summer. On the other side of the spectrum, there are many that are hoping for a mild summer in New York City and for good reason. With New Yorkers just coming out of one of their busiest winter seasons, while breaking records with the amount of snow and other precipitation generated from these recent extreme weather patterns and conditions, has some NYC mold removal companies, NYC environmental service companies, related associations, and government officials alike worrying about a potential mold outbreak in and around the New York City area.
With the mold clean up still underway 18 plus months after Hurricane Sandy left her path of devastation, the cause for concern is greater than most New Yorkers and tourists can possibly fathom. As in most public dire situations, extreme measures have obviously been taken by the “powers that be” to not only control the amount of media attention this looming hazardous situation should be receiving, but more so to “more than likely” keep things quiet about what these “supposed” emergency mold relief funds were and still are, supposed to be used for by local government, officials, organizations, non profits, and other private business entities that may or may not have monetarily benefited from supposedly assisting with the NYC mold clean up efforts.
All in all, with the summer months bearing down on the Big Apple, so will the heat , humidity, and decrease in air quality in and around the City. With hazardous mold still growing all throughout the area stemming from past major weather systems such as hurricane Sandy, along with the simple fact that most types of mold thrives in warm, muggy, humid, and moist conditions, should be an obvious awakening call for anyone who lives in the New York City area.
About-Reliable Certified Mold Removal, a mold remediation company in NYC that is a subsidiary business of a NYC based environmental and air quality service company, has been assisting residents in and around New York City for over 20 years via their professional mold inspection, mold testing, mold removal, and mold prevention services.
For more information on NYC mold remediation services , please visit-
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- Hot Weather on the Way for NYC, Creates Perfect Conditions for Mold Infestation
Hot Weather on the Way for NYC, Creates Perfect Conditions for Mold Infestation
Last updated Thursday, July 3, 2014 08:50 ETNYC Mold Removal Company Releases Public Service Announcement for Potential Mold Epidemic This Summer All Throughout the New York City Area.

New York City, US, 07/03/2014 / SubmitMyPR /