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Leading Art Marketing Website Provides Secrets to Success Selling Artwork Online

Last updated Monday, October 27, 2014 09:06 ET

To Meet the Demands of Selling Art, Photography& Fine Art Online, the Art and Photography Marketing Agency Introduced a Valuable and Informative Website

Sarasota , USA, 10/27/2014 / SubmitMyPR /
The Art Marketing Agency, the recognized leader in fine art and photogtaphy marketing, introduced a a valuable and informative website to meet the demands of artists, photographers and art collectors about partiicipation in the booming online artwork sales marketplace
It's a fact. Selling art, photography and artwork collections online is a booming worldwide marketplace delivering buyers 24/7
"Estimates are that half of all art will be sold via the internet, it just makes sense to art buyers and the artists" observed, Tuck Tucker, Agency Director of the Marketing Art Agency (www.MarketingArtSolutions.com)
Seems reasonable. The more eye balls the more sales.Selling and exhibiting ones art or photography in online galleries generates thousands of worldwide viewers 24/.7 a much larger audience than the traditional brick and mortar gallery audience. The website states that Art Marketing Agency clients average 127,000 view per artwork, per month online.

As Degas observed: "art is not what you see but what you make others see."
....and the internet certainly delivers those eyeballs.

The Agency's new informative art and photography marketing website provides valuable information to artist,photographers and collectors detailing what processes are necessary to have a profitable online art marketing experience.
The www.MarketingArtSolutions.com website provides valuable information including: 
  • Valuable art and photography marketing information 
  • How to get art and photos sales, new clients and more worldwide "exposure" for one's artworks
  • EXAMPLES of client online gallery exhibitions in worldwide galleries
  • The step by step Process of how to successfully sell online
  • Information  about Online Art AUCTIONS
  • SOLUTIONS to many art marketing challenges.

Worth the visit.To encourage site visitors, the Art Marketing Agency is offering free upgrade to 150 images in 15 worldwide galleries instead of the 100 in 10 online galleries. A complimentary portfolio review of  and Art Pricing of one's artworks valuation is also included.

Interested-you shold be? Want to know how to get started selling online?
Its easy. Simply, submit  artworks, samples or website to:
Tucker added:
"Need peace of mind? Based upon our review, Agency clients may qualify for a $1000.00 in art and photography sales guarantee within 60 days. The market is just that strong."
Why not check it out. It may be your first step on the path of art and photo marketing success.- You may even make art sales while you sleep.
To quote Walt Disney: "the best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
Best idea: to begin doing? visit: www.MarketingArtSolutions.com