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Legendary Photographer Hal Gould to be recognized during Month of Photography

Last updated Saturday, February 28, 2015 18:24 ET

The Long Road: A Photographic Journey to feature Camera Obscura Gallery owner’s work

Lakewood, 02/28/2015 / SubmitMyPR /

Colorado’s photography icon, Hal Gould, owner of Denver’s Camera Obscura Gallery, will be celebrated during the Month of Photography, Denver 2015, at a special Opening & Artists’ Reception,

Saturday, March 7, 3-5 p.m., at the Dona Laurita Gallery in Louisville, Colorado.

Dona Laurita Gallery, (www.donalauritagallery.com) will present “The Long Road: A Photographic Journey,” a commemorative retrospective of the photographic work of Gould, who owned the Camera Obscura Gallery from 1979-2011, one of the nation’s oldest photographic fine art galleries.  He will be honored in the special celebration Saturday, March 7 for his 95th birthday.  The Month of Photography, Denver 2015, (www.mopdenver.com) will start with an artists’ reception March 6 through April 26th.

"The same way musicians speak about Red Rocks with always very high regard, Hal kind of had that following among people in the photography world that showed [at Camera Obscura Gallery]" said Mark Sink, founder of MoP Denver.

The show will showcase Gould’s work, as well as that of photographers Loretta Young-Gautier, Dona Laurita and Jude Sanchez.  Gould’s influence will be visible in images from other photographers impacted by his distinct style and passion for the photographic medium.

“We at Dona Laurita Gallery feel very fortunate for the opportunity to collaborate with MoP, Denver, in bringing recognition to Hal and his influence on the photography scene in Colorado and beyond,” said Laurita, the gallery’s owner. “He is as treasured as his images.”

Born in 1920, Gould, who officially turned 95 in February, has done more to promote photographic arts in Colorado than anyone else. As the curator and owner of the Camera Obscura Gallery for more than 30 years, he was also the founder of the Colorado Photographic Arts Center, mentor to generations of Colorado photographers, all while being a prolific and masterful fine art photographer himself.  “His legacy is one that we are proud to have the opportunity to honor as our contribution to the 2015 Month of Photography,” Laurita said.

Other events during MoP will include:

·         Opening & Artists’ Receptions – Friday, March 6 & April 3, 6-9 p.m.

·         MoP Reception – Saturday, April 4, 3-7 p.m.

·         Closing Party – Saturday, April 25, 3-7 p.m.

Regular gallery hours throughout MoP will be Thursday through Sunday, 1:00-6:00 p.m. and by appointment. 

Dona Laurita Gallery – 2

Dona Laurita Gallery is an art space specializing in photography, fine art, music, artist talks, readings, workshops, and whatever it takes to deepen the creative, thoughtful and beautiful things that life has to offer. With exhibitions updated monthly, special events, and music performances, it is our mission to promote original artistic expression for Boulder County and the Metro Denver community, dedicated to local artists and diverse mediums.

For more information on the events and MoP call 303-818-1616, visit www.donalauritagallery.com or on Facebook at donaphoto.

The photo above is by Hal Gould, "Lonely Road, Northern new Mexico," 1994


Jane Dvorak


[email protected]