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10 Days In A Madhouse moves Release to position for Academy Awards

Last updated Thursday, August 6, 2015 11:48 ET

Café Pictures’ 10 Days In A Madhouse movie release date has been moved back to November 20th, 2015, to position for The Academy Awards.

Culver City, USA, 08/06/2015 / SubmitMyPR /

Café Pictures’ 10 Days In A Madhouse - The Nellie Bly Story movie release date has pushed back to November 20th, 2015, to position for The Golden Globe Awards and The Academy Awards.


Café’s chief distribution officer Marc Bovee, formerly at Universal Pictures for 25 years, says they "didn’t want to miss award season as this historical biopic tells a profound and important story that people need to know about.”

Originally scheduled for a September release, the film is expected to garner nods from both The Golden Globes and Academy Awards. The movie’s exhibition publicist, Shannon Gorman, agrees, saying, "with strong lead performances and strong support performances, this movie is awards material." Gorman formerly was distribution officer at Fox Searchlight for 20 years.


The movie will debut in US theaters on November 20th alongside the last installment of The Hunger Games. “It’s a ‘strong woman’ movie weekend,” states producer Susan Goforth.


Based on Nellie Bly's undercover exposé, the movie starring newcomer Caroline Barry is already gaining buzz for her "powerful" and "uncanny" performance as Bly. The film follows Bly as she feigns insanity in order to be committed into Blackwell’s Island Insane Asylum, where she goes on to reveal to the world the horrifying conditions and abuse that occurred within.


Caroline Barry joins a long list of actors who have portrayed iconic historical figures, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day Lewis, Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep. Barry stars opposite actor Christopher Lambert whose impressive resume includes Highlander, Mortal Kombat, and Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of The Apes. Lambert is in the upcoming Coen Brothers movie Hail Caesar! alongside Channing Tatum, Tilda Swinton, Scarlett Johansson, Jonah Hill, George Clooney, Ralph Fiennes and Josh Brolin. Also starring in 10 Days In A Madhouse are Kelly Le Brock (The Woman In Red, Weird Science) and Julia Chantrey (Mean Girls, Mama).


10 Days In A Madhouse is directed by Timothy Hines (War of Worlds the True Story) and produced by Susan Goforth. Strathford Hamilton and Marcy Levitas Hamilton serve as executive producers with TriCoast Worldwide handling international sales. Stephen Eckelberry, long-time editor for Paramount Pictures and editor of Dracula: The Dark Prince starring Jon Voight, worked on the movie alongside Avril Beukes. Beukes is known for her humanitarian work in film, and has worked on several Academy-Award nominated movies and documentaries. Brooke Kroeger, NYU professor and author of Nellie Bly: Daredevil, Reporter, Feminist, served as the film's historical consultant.


Media Contact:


Susan Goforth
Phone: 206-639-3198
Cafe Pictures
11124 Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA  90232

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