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SocialCentiv Makes It Easy to Juggle Numerous Twitter Campaigns

Last updated Thursday, August 13, 2015 13:31 ET

SocialCentiv launches a new multiple campaigns feature to make it easier and faster for a company to share promotions on Twitter.

Dallas, United States, 08/13/2015 / SubmitMyPR /

SocialCentiv, whose software-based service helps companies of all sizes find new customers on Twitter, announces a new feature that makes it easier and faster for a company to share its promotions and special offers with consumers.

SocialCentiv’s patented software uses a subscriber’s keywords and geographic location to comb Twitter for relevant Tweets, and drops them on a dashboard called the Tweet Stream so the business can “@” direct reply with a coupon or discount to get them in the door.

The new multiple campaigns feature provides SocialCentiv clients a way to manage numerous discounts and other offers they may be using simultaneously to attract Twitter users who have expressed a need via the social networking platform for what the business sells.

“As any good marketer knows, a business must use different types of promotions in different circumstances, such as price discounts, limited-time sales or product giveaways,” says Bernard Perrine, CEO and co-founder of SocialCentiv. “Extending multiple offers at the same time can be a challenge. Using keywords and geo-targeting, our multiple campaigns application makes that juggling act a snap.”

Adding new campaigns

After logging in to SocialCentiv’s online service, customers will see a new tab in the navigation bar called “Campaigns.” By clicking that tab, followed by hitting a button marked “Create a new campaign,” they will receive the option of either building a new promotion or duplicating an existing one.

·         Creating a new campaign: This is the best route for building new offers that use unique keywords and locations. The SocialCentiv software guides users through such tasks as creating landing pages and follow-up emails and providing external links. After that, the user can pick the geographic locations to target consumers, along with keywords for filtering Tweets to find the right prospects.

·         Duplicating an existing campaign: This is a good way to modify existing promotions for other uses or target groups. The “Duplicate an existing campaign” button includes the keywords and locations that were part of the original effort. From there, it’s simple to edit the promotion to suit the marketer’s needs. After the changes are made, SocialCentiv’s software asks the user to give the campaign a name. It’s best to give each promotion a unique, relevant label to easily distinguish it from other offers the company might be using.

Sorting Tweets to correct campaigns

Businesses that offer multiple promotions concurrently often use some of the same keywords or locations in different campaigns.

If a consumer’s Tweet contains keywords or a location that crosses two or more campaigns a marketer is running, the SocialCentiv software will flag that Tweet and ask the sender which promotional effort he or she is replying to.

This helps ensure that the business responds optimally to every person who has expressed a need through Twitter for the company’s offerings, Perrine says.

“Our multiple campaigns feature is part of our on-going effort to streamline the process of helping our customers generate new business through Twitter,” he explains. “This social network is the first place many consumers go to express their needs and desires, from being hungry or thirsty to wanting a new car. Thanks to improvements like the multiple campaigns upgrade, SocialCentiv’s software makes it easier than ever to mine Twitter for that marketing gold.”

About SocialCentiv

In August 2014, HipLogiq integrated its portfolio of Twitter marketing applications under a single product line, SocialCentiv. Now, businesses can visit www.SocialCentiv.com and find a user-friendly, do-it-yourself Twitter marketing tool that makes it easy to create a campaign that tracks keywords and reaches relevant consumers with greater precision by targeting local Tweets. You can be part of the most relevant Tweets as they happen, spot opportunities first, and make a name for yourself with SocialCentiv.

Since May 2013, SocialCentiv has received $12 million in two rounds of funding. For more information, go to www.SocialCentiv.com, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


For more information, contact Karen Carrera, TrizCom, 972-207-1935, [email protected] or @kjcarrera.


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