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Transformance Partners with Clay Piggy to Educate Children

Last updated Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:47 ET

Transformance, Inc., a nonprofit providing financial counseling, has formed a strategic partnership with Clay Piggy, LLC to serve Title I schools.

Dallas, 01/26/2016 / SubmitMyPR /

Will Provide a Continuous Financial Education Program for Title I Schools

DALLAS, TX (Jan. 27, 2016) – Transformance, Inc., a 42-year-old nonprofit organization providing financial counseling, outreach and education, has formed a strategic partnership with Clay Piggy, LLC to serve Title I schools. Under an initiative called Pocket Change Kids, Transformance will deliver community-based program elements in conjunction with financial institutions, private foundations and other sponsoring organizations seeking to sponsor youth-oriented financial education. Clay Piggy will provide an experiential e-learning platform transferring financial literacy knowledge and a common sense attitude toward money.

The need for an early start in the fundamentals of financial literacy is evident across North Texas. According to the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) publication Asset Poverty & Liquid Asset Poverty: 2015 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard, the majority of low-to-moderate income households live paycheck to paycheck, don’t save for retirement and don’t have sufficient financial reserves to weather a financial crisis. In Dallas alone, approximately 68 percent of residents have subprime credit scores, 52 percent live in liquid asset poverty and 36 percent are unbanked or underbanked.

Transformance President and CEO, Ken Goodgames stated, “Our strategic partnership with Clay Piggy provides a multi-modal set of financial literacy offerings addressing a significant age gap in the educational landscape. Attitudes and behaviors towards money and financial accountability are formed early in life. But until now, financial literacy initiatives have failed to sufficiently address young learners, either because they are too focused on adults or geared toward short-term literacy rather than cultivating real capabilities and habits.”

“We designed Clay Piggy to provide a continuous learning environment, so that core principles of personal financial capability are learned by students’ from early childhood on,” agreed Clay Piggy’s Founder and CEO Narinder Budhiraja. “We are very excited to partner with Transformance and other sponsoring organizations so children in Title I schools, where the need is the greatest, can be better served.”

In order to have the maximum impact for the Pocket Change Kids initiative, Transformance will combine the e-learning offering with sponsor-supported live events, poster contests and additional opportunities to raise the awareness level. The nonprofit also provides support for the ongoing development of parent-child engagement tools and conducts outreach and education events designed specifically for parents and educators. Please visit www.pocketchangekids.org for additional information.



About Transformance, Inc.
In 2015, the agency delivered more than 125,000 consumer interactions through financial counseling, outreach and education. In 2016, the agency expects to serve up to 1 million low-to-moderate income families with transformative financial learning solutions accessible online and through a new mobile app.

Since its founding in 1974 as Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Dallas, the agency has empowered clients to overcome adversity and attain their financial goals. Services include credit/budget counseling, financial education, housing counseling, individual debt management and bankruptcy counseling. Transformance will:

•      Provide a national nonprofit resource dedicated to confidential and professional counseling to assist financially distressed or economically vulnerable families

•      Develop and foster community educational programs on family money management, budgeting and the wise use of money and credit

•      Develop and maintain a positive working relationship with the credit community, employee assistance programs, professional counselors and community-based social service agencies

•      Provide opportunities for economic empowerment of low and moderate income families and with a particular focus on at-risk communities such as seniors, military families, veterans, communities of color and single, female-headed households

•      Enable good financial knowledge early in life through its focus on education of students (K -12) and their parents through agency strategic partnerships

Transformance, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 1974, is a United Way Service Provider and a HUD-approved multistate housing counseling and education organization. The agency is formally accredited every four years by the Council on Accreditation for Children and Families (COA) to ensure compliance with top industry standards and best practices. The agency has its headquarters in Dallas, Texas, with satellite offices in Arlington; Austin; Amarillo; Ardmore, Oklahoma; and Colorado Springs, Colorado.

To read more about Transformance, Inc., or for an annual report, visit http://www.transformanceusa.org.

About Clay Piggy, LLC
Clay Piggy, LLC was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The educational technology company produces experiential based learning programs that teach elementary school students financial responsibility. These programs have been implemented in schools nationwide as a main financial literacy resource.

Using Clay Piggy, elementary school students can interact, play, and live in a virtual world, thus allowing them to develop healthy money habits by learning the core principles of financial capabilities such as earning, spending, saving, investing and giving.

A recent pilot study done with schools in Texas found that after students in grades K-5 used Clay Piggy for three weeks, financial literacy scores rose 17 percentage points. The program is aligned with the newly adopted Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) financial literacy curriculum.

To learn more or request a demo, visit http://www.claypiggy.com.

Transformance Media Contact:

Jeffrey Cheatham

Senior Account Manager

TrizCom PR

Office: 972-247-1369

Mobile: 972-961-6171

[email protected]