If you’ve ever heard that a good morning routine has the power to set the tone for your whole day, you may wonder how much of this is true. Success coach Tina Marx believes in having a solid morning routine to help her stay motivated, inspired, and productive throughout the day. How does she do it? Well, we’ve got the details.
“Without fail, religiously I do a morning routine that sets off my whole day,” Tina explained.
She says when she doesn’t do her morning routine, she feels as though she’s being led by her circumstances, rather than directing the course of the day herself. A lot of people may wake up either flooded with self-loathing beliefs, anxious thoughts, or dreading the day, and many of us gravitate toward our phones first thing, but having a morning routine can help shape your outlook, getting you out of unhealthy habits or thoughts.
Tina says the first thing she does is drink a large glass of lemon water. This helps to flush out the organs, bringing the body into alkaline balance. She then prepares her bulletproof coffee, an innovative, energizing take on your regular coffee where you mix in a healthy fat such as MCT oil or grass-fed butter. Coffee in hand, Tina then sits down with her journal.
Journaling is an important practice for Tina. She writes three pages minimum and advises many of her clients to do the same. She often hears backlash from clients such as ‘I won’t have enough to write about’ or ‘I have nothing to write,’ in which she tells them to just put the pen to paper and allow your subconscious mind to be heard.
Our day-to-day is typically run by our conscious mind—the rational part of your mind. Journaling allows your subconscious mind to have a voice, to be heard, and when you dump all of those subconscious thoughts down on a piece of paper, it’s like clearing a canvas. If you have a thought that keeps coming back every day, you may want to write it down, take action on it, or just sit with those feelings for a minute and then release them.
Once you’ve journaled out any lingering thoughts from your subconscious, take the time to write out a list of affirmations. Affirmations are words or phrases that you affirm to yourself and the universe. Always write your affirmations in the present, Tina says, and begin with the words ‘I am.’ Any area of your life you want to improve or you feel strongly about, write an affirmation down about it. Such as: I am confident. I am successful. I am healthy. I am deserving.
Journaling helps you wipe the slate clean from all the negative thoughts, and the affirmations help you put in new beliefs you want to store in your subconscious mind. Most behaviours are usually indicative of what you store as a belief in your subconscious, Tina explains, and to balance it all together, the last thing to write down is a gratitude list. This will help you feel appreciative of what you already have.
Tina tells us through the laws of attraction, what you dwell upon, you will receive more of. When you think in lack, you’ll feel as though you’re lacking more, however, when you think about what you’re grateful for and come from a place of gratitude, more of those things will show up in your life.
Tina also includes exercising and meditation in her morning routine. Exercising oxygenates your blood, helping you feel stronger after a workout. She says this part of her morning routine is like putting on your armor for the day—you’re more equipped to handle any challenges that arise. Meditation helps to calm the anxious mind and central nervous system by slowing down your breath and bringing you back into the moment.
In short, Tina believes diet, exercise, and meditation along with journaling, affirmations, and practicing gratitude are key aspects of a good morning routine. However, she understands everyone is unique and each person has their own process of starting their day that sets them up for success. With a positive, uplifting morning routine, Tina believes you’ll be able to make the best decisions possible. Now that’s a morning we can wake up to.