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The War of Art Book - How to Win Inner Creative Battles?

Last updated Friday, December 11, 2020 01:32 ET , Source: NewsService

The War of Art shows enough love to the writers, artists, business people, and producers, who spend more time battling the resistance against work than 'Actual Work'.

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, N/A, 12/11/2020 / SubmitMyPR /
the war of art

The War of Art Book

There are 3 important lessons for everyone in this book.

Everyone struggles with resistance; you are not alone:

Have you ever trusted that you’re born to do something amazing here? You may think you owe the world an interesting novel, a masterpiece painting, or even a hit film to the world. The power that pushes you to shallow your dream is resistance. Resistance is expressed as a fear of loss, delay, and self-doubt. Before being the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Will Smith was terrified to meet with Quincy Jones. Henry Fonda threw up before each show, even long after he was famous. Resistance is not personal. It does not play favorites. It has the ability to keep us from enjoying our ideal and desired life. Only if we let it through.

The above explains adequately the different types of resistance. Everyone suffers from resistance. Don’t give it an excuse.

You should live your dream like your full-time job:

Don’t think that your dream is just a hobby. It is important for your life like your full-time job. If your dream is the thing that you would like to be with all your spirit, that you would like to concentrate your life, so stay with that. Don't just tinker here and there for a few hours, go into all the chips. If you handle your dream as your full-time job then you can transfer a lot of the skills you apply to the latter to the former. Though each skill is not related. If you show up to your job at a time, do the same to your dream. If you work hard for your job, do it for your dream too. Don’t ignore your dream.

Commit a territory and change the world:

Everyone has a different passion. Some of us are artists, others want to write novels, others want to do social work. We are not the same. We all chose a different path and made our own identity. You can find your path following three things-

  1. What makes you feel better, you go there again and again. I can bet that after coming out from the office Stephen Hawking felt better. Where you feel grow, that is your territory. The place where you feel challenged and satisfied at the same time.
  2. By working hard, you can become king of the hill. There are no other alternatives.
  3. There is no end. You will get back that, what you put in. following your territory not only benefits you and your job, you can change the whole world. By contributing to this territory Steve Jobs changed the concept, what we see, and spreads new ideas in this field.

Confessed Workaholic Steven Pressfield never forgets to have fun. 

The War of Art is a must-have book for self-starters. The message remains the same: be an expert. Do not wait for inspiration, the right time, or the validation of others just sit back and work – it is yet the greatest hack in productivity.