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IPL Hair Removal Reviews: Belle Bella Laser Hair Removal Does it Work? Review by HealthyRex

Last updated Friday, December 18, 2020 13:09 ET

Tons of women rely on the Belle Bella IPL Device Hair Removal System because it’s the Number One selling at-home permanent hair removal device!

New York, 12/18/2020 / SubmitMyPR /

When is laser hair removal the cheapest and yet the best? If you want to know the answer, you must first understand why laser hair removal is so expensive? The main reason that these treatments are so costly is that you need several sessions to achieve successful results. The technical expertise and the cost of each session sums up to a hefty price tag. That is why it makes sense to choose an at-home laser hair removal device.

From Philips to Remmington, there are tons of beauty tech brands offering a range of at-home laser hair removal devices. But, all these popular high-end brands come with a hefty price tag while some newer brands make beauty achievable for everyone. This Belle Bella IPL Laser hair removal review explains how you can get must-have laser hair removal tech affordably, the IPL hair removal effectiveness, the benefits, is it worth it, and our final verdict. Learn More From The Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Official Website >>

Bella Bella is a new budget-friendly at-home hair removal machine. It is a handheld IPL device and the most affordable one from the IPL hair removal best 2021 list. By affordable, we mean this new brand, Belle Bella is offering a big 50% discount for their first-time customers, perhaps as a promotion or, possibly, as a gesture of goodwill to make beauty achievable and affordable for everyone. Besides, the brand is offering options to split up your payments. Regardless of the reasons, in this Belle Bella IPL Laser review, we will discuss the key specifications, its effectiveness, real-life tips, and the latest deals.

=>(SPECIAL OFFER) Get Your Belle Bella IPL Device For 50% Off Today!

What Is Belle Bella Hair Removal System?

Belle Bella hair removal device is a petite-shaped laser device. If steep price tags of laser hair removal devices turn you off then this one is the best affordable one. It uses the IPL light technology and comes with six energy-level settings which you can customize according to your skin tone and hair color. Belle Bella IPL hair removal review ratings are positive with most of the users happy with the customizable experience.

The device emits unlimited flashes, so you don’t have to worry about running out of replacement lamps, needless to say- it is one of the few things we liked about this hair removal machine. Unlike laser-based therapy devices, this IPL hair removal machine is suitable for targeting a broad area rather than small sections and is also safe for light to darker skin tones.

What’s Inside The Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Kit?

All Belle Bella hair removal kits come with the IPL hair removal handset, adopter, the user manual, and the safety glasses. IPL safety glass is a significant addition because it minimizes the risks when using the device on the face. Usually, you require to buy a pair f safety goggles, but with belle Bella, you get it for free. The user manual explains in detail about the key specifications, how to use them, the features, and how to take care of the device. According to IPL hair removal lux skin review, 87% said hairs stopped growing back after using the device for more than ten weeks.

How Does Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Work?

Bella Bella uses the IPL technology which stands for Intense Pulsed Light. The device emits an intense beam that heats up and kills the hair follicles resulting in permanent hair removal. The hair removal system is painless, and also you can customize the IPL hair removal pain level from the settings. For this, there are six settings, and also the device uses a sensor to identify the comfort range.

According to Belle Bella’s research and development team, it takes three to four sessions with two weeks interval to see visible results. It can be used effectively to break and shun the hair growth cycle. Upon regular use and by following the aftercare precautions, you can expect long-lasting results that can stay up to more than a year.

Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Benefits

Is IPL hair removal good? If you ever feel like testing an IPL hair removal device, Belle Bella laser machine must be the first one. It comes with a range of customizable options and intensity levels, which you can adjust depending on your skin tone and the hair color. Furthermore, this new brand offers flex payment plans which makes at-home laser treatment easily affordable.

Here are other five clinical and dermatological benefits of using Belle Bella IPL hair removal device-

  • Permanent hair reduction: Between weeks 10-12, most of the users feel smoother skin and notice less hair growth. The IPL machine claims to permanently reduce hair growth and shun the hair cycle, given that the user follows the direction and aftercare measures.
  • Treat fine lines and wrinkles: IPL hair removal is a non-invasive therapy for treating several skin diseases. Belle Bela is both an IPL hair removal and skin rejuvenation device. In clinical application, the IPL light spectrum is used to treat vascular lesions- as per IPL hair removal NCBI review.[1]
  • Reduce spider veins and broken capillaries: As per IPL hair removal NHS review and clinical content published in PMC, IPL wavelengths are highly effective in treating leg veins and venous malformations. [2] 7% of the subjects met success on treatment sites at the ten months interface by using an intense pulsed light source and for deeply treating people with dark skin types. [3]
  • Eliminates sun-damaged skin conditions: As mentioned above, an intense pulsed light laser device (IPL hair removal) is an effective treatment option for dermatological results such as reducing aging spots and sun damage. A clinical trial was performed to assess the efficiency of intense pulsed light (IPL) in eliminating skin spots and sun damage. The treatments performed during the test utilized identical devices to BelleBella IPL hair removal, and the results confirm the efficiency of the technology.
  • Reduce acne and hyperpigmentation: Clinical evidence suggests, IPL devices beneficial for the treatment of acne vulgaris, scars, and several skin concerns. When using the IPL hair removal device according to directions, the clinical trial participants showed successful results in the treatment of pigmentations and acne. [4]

=>(50% Saving) Belle Bella™ Is Recommended By Dermatologists, Hairstylists And Beauty Experts!

Belle Bella IPL Device How To Use

What is the closest match to Belle Bella IPL hair removal device? Any pro user can tell that this brand has incorporated all the best features of a premium IPL device. It is handheld, cordless, precise, and easy to use, making it an excellent value. The Belle Bella IPL hair removal system package comes with the handset, the base unit, power cables, safety glasses, and the instruction/user manual. The UV filter safety glass reduces the IPL hair removal risks and prevents eye injury when treating the face with the system.

The user manual explains the suitable range of treatments, sessions, and IPL hair removal intervals when using the device. So, how do you use the IPL hair removal device from Belle Bella? Beauty at home, including IPL laser treatments, must be easy and fun, and thus using the device is pretty straightforward. You just have to plug it in, select the power setting and the IPL device is ready to use.

Here are the steps for using the Belle Bella IPL hair removal device-

  • Step 1: Before treating, shave visible hairs. (In case of waxing or using an epilator you must remove hair at least a day before the treatment).
  • Step 2: Click your desired mode (gentle for thin skin areas such as upper lip or underarm, full speed for larger areas such as leg or top-ups).
  • Step 3: Click the power mode on.
  • Step 4: Press the device on the area firmly and click the activation button.
  • Step 5: Move it steadily by gliding over the area. You will feel a warm sensation as Belle Bella flashes. Generally, it takes seven to ten minutes for treating facial hair or bikini areas while it takes 12 to 15 minutes for legs and top-ups.
  • Step 6: Switch off the device by clicking the same power bar and keep it unplugged.

Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Pros And Cons

Some IPL laser hair removal devices feature different treatment modes such as gliding and stamping. In contrast, some other devices feature 7-10 intensity level suitable according to skin tone and even hair color. Some are corded while some are entirely cordless, giving you ease-of-use and convenience.

So, how do you choose the right one? Which is the best IPL hair removal device? You get the answer when you learn about the pros and cons attached to each brand. Here are the advantages and certain drawbacks of this handheld at-home laser device-

Should You Buy The Belle Bella At-Home IPL Device? The Key Features-

  • Unlimited flashes
  • Safe for all skin tones
  • Suitable for full body
  • Pain-free as the IPL pain level can be adjusted from settings
  • Great flash life which lasts for several years
  • Affordable and comes with Flex/Easy installment plans
  • 2-year warranty
  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Comes with UV protecting eyeglass
  • Founded By Award Winning Dermatologist

Should You Buy The Belle Bella At-Home IPL Device? The Downsides-

  • It requires patience and persistence- over five to six months for permanent results
  • Not available in local/physical store, only online purchase

Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Side Effects

The Belle Bella IPL hair removal system uses FDA approval Learn Here, IPL technology for safe hair removal. There is no evidence suggesting IPL hair removal long term side effects. But as with any laser treatment, you can expect a mild tingling sensation causing slight discomfort. This is a very common skin reaction for IPL treatments or when using any light-therapy hair removal device.

Incidences of side effects during IPL clinical trial was very rare in which the majority of the participants (67 out of 70) would recommend Belle Bella IPL advance technology to their friends and family members. The skin redness may appear, but it disappears within minutes of the treatment. In very rare cases, for instance, when using more than required treatments, blistering may occur. In cases like these, it is recommended to stop using the IPL hair removal device.

Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Reviews And User Experience

Belle Bella IPL hair removal does it work? Here are the three Belle Bella IPL hair removal customers reviews from the website-

  • This IPL device is one of the few budget-friendly IPL hair removal models. The fact that they offer flex installment is definitely a plus point, and I am happy with my payment option. It is a saving grace for those looking for affordable at-home laser treatments with advanced IPL tech device. Sandra Kimberly.
  • It removes hair as short as 0.3 mm! I haven’t been using it for the past three months, and till now my hair underarms are less noticeable! It was my best personal gift because it reduced my facial hair within the third week. It’s also way cheaper than going to the dermatologist. I highly recommend it to those who want to get laser done. Patty Miller.
  • As a matter of fact, I was a bit skeptical, but then again, it was super cheap and the most-viral IPL device on social media groups. So, I thought why not visit the website and lucky me that I snatched the 50% discount as their first-time customer. In short, my IPL hair removal results are excellent, it is super easy, and finally, I could throw away my razors! Hannah Becker.

Where To Buy Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal?

Visit the Belle Bella brand’s shop official website to place your order, and in this way, you can get a 50% discount as a first-time user. Belle Bella is a brand, and they offer a global shipment policy. That means, if you are placing an order outside the US, you must make use of the brand’s return policy because you never know about faulty shipments. They offer a 90-day return policy on all orders and takes full liability for any damage, wear, or tear. You won’t get this same level of return policy if you shop from anywhere else other than the official website. Also, when you buy the IPL home removal system from the brand, you get front-of-the-line access to VIP membership and tons of saving graces.

Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Price

Belle Bella offers three payment options for IPL device users. You can pay for the IPL hair removal device either by 2-installments, 3-installments, or pay upfront. If you chose 2-installment, you could get the IPL hair removal device initially at $61.00. While for 3-installments the IPL hair removal price runs down to $46.00. IPL flex payment users get the safety glasses, and the total cost is $244.00 for two installments while $276.00 for three installments.

If you would rather pay upfront, the full price of the Belle Bella IPL Hair removal is $106.95, including the shipping and handling charge. The good news is all first-time Belle Bella IPL users get 50% off the regular price, but we don’t know how long this saving grace period will last.

=>(50% Off & Free Shipping) Click Here to Buy Belle Bella IPL Device For The Lowest Price Available From Official Site

IPL Hair Removal Reviews - Final Verdict

Belle Bella offers saving grace for owning IPL hair removal professional machine at home. Should you buy the IPL device? It can be a great way to get pain-free smoother skin at home. The payment options are also fantastic. It also offers a 90-days full money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your results. The 2-year warranty period also makes it a good beauty investment. It is a brand new IPL hair removal tech and needless to say it is indeed an effective one.

Belle Bella IPL Hair Removal Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is IPL hair removal good?

IPL laser hair removal devices are clinically-approved, and evidently, the machine offers non-invasive treatments for several skin diseases such as hyperpigmentation, scars, and acne. So, the benefits of using at-home IPL hair removal device goes far beyond removing unwanted hairs.

  • Can IPL hair removal cause cancer?

There is no clinical evidence suggesting IPL removal can cause causer. Both this and the fact that IPL hair removal can cause hyperpigmentation is a myth. But, please follow the IPL hair removal instructions for safe and effective results.

  • Can IPL hair removal be permanent?

According to Belle Bella research team and IPL hair removal reviews, it takes 5 to 6 sessions to get visible results. IPL hair removal long term results are that you get rid of hair ingrowth permanently.

  • Which IPL hair removal is best?

This is one of the frequent IPL hair removal questions. There are several brands such as IPL hair removal Philips, and Brauns that are prestigious but comes with a hefty price tag. If you are looking for a budget-friendly option, select the devices that offer IPL hair removal unlimited flash, and easy payment options. In this case, Belle Bella is a new brand currently offering split payment options to own IPL hair removal professional at home and affordably. The device also comes with complimentary safety glasses for eye protection.

  • When to use IPL hair removal?

The best time to use IPL hair removal device is when you want at-home convenience, hair-free skin and avoid visiting for expensive dermatology treatments for hair reduction. The device utilizes light-based therapy and is safe for the face, bikini areas, legs, and underarms.

According to IPL hair removal reviews, 67% uses the machine for ease of use, pain-free method, and for reducing hair permanently at home. It is recommended to use an IPL device once a week for up to five to six weeks during the first time users. After six weeks, minimize the use to every once a month.

  • Can I use IPL hair removal for acne?

Belle Bella IPL hair removal device kills the hair growth cells and bacteria, which in turn reduces acne and even minimizes fine wrinkles along with aging spots. If it sounds too good to be true, please read the reviews or the clinical evidence in the above section explaining the benefits of IPL treatment.

  • Can I use Belle Bella hair removal device for dark skin?

The beauty of using IPL devices because the light-energy of IPL hair removal covers a larger area compared to laser devices. According to tria laser hair removal x4 reviews, the device is not suitable for legs. In contrast, BelleBella IPL hair removal is ideal for the face, small and large areas including legs. Belle Bella claims to be useful for dark skin and for reducing lighter hairs. If you are not satisfied with your results, you can get your refunds within 90 days starting from the date that you ordered.

  • Is IPL hair removal at home safe?

According to the official website, Belle Bella utilizes FDA-approved IPL technology and hence it is safe to use. But follow the user manual for effective use of the device and also abide by the time interval during each session. Choose an IPL device that is convenient and easy to use. Also, maintain the aftercare tips for better and long-term results.

=>(HUGE SAVINGS TODAY) Click Here to Buy Belle Bella IPL Device For The Lowest Price Available From Official Site

Scientific Research Resources References:

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HealthyRex shares e-commerce and sales news, product reviews, and the latest news on various products.

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