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Different Kinds of Project Management

Last updated Thursday, June 3, 2021 13:30 ET , Source: Monday Project

Monday Project explains different kinds of project management that are being used in the market.

New York, NY, United States, 06/03/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

Project management is not for people who like to manage. Over time, expert project managers have built quite a few sophisticated methods for tracking all the pieces that make up a project, and you can advantage of this collected wisdom. Review the different methods to find a style that goes with your business, your project, and your strengths.

Project management methodologies all eventually achieve the same thing, a finished project but with very different journeys and approaches there. While there are several project management kinds, there are several primary ones that get used the most frequently.

  • Agile Project Management

Agile is a more versatile and faster solution to the old-fashioned waterfall model. Agile project management is not an accurate project management methodology; however, an outlook or culture that is applied to other project management versions. It entails working in smaller sprints or chunks that permit projects to pivot when required. The agile approach does away with the idea of developing a project in sequential pieces.

Rather, the project team presents an edition of the project that is comprehensive enough to implement potentially. Team members take part in "scrum" meetings where they assess the most recent version of the project and make implications for improvement.

The project developers then make a second version with the suggested changes and present it. This procedure can carry on via four or more versions till the scrum procedure has addressed all the necessities. In brief, the agile technique presents complete project versions that can be twisted.

  • Waterfall Project Management

It is one of the oldest processes but still used by numerous teams of development. This style includes working in waves, with every step being reliant on the one heavily prior to it. While the waterfall style is much sluggish than its matching parts, it can be helpful for those searching to have a lot of predictability or structure.

Regrettably, it can result in several hangups, particularly if bugs are detected during a later step in the course, and earlier steps should be revisited.

  • Six Sigma

The Six Sigma method works sound for projects that you can measure precisely. The idea is to search for any deviations from complete perfection and address the causes of those divergences. To do this, you measure, define, improve, analyze, and control the project all through its development and implementation, so you achieve the results exactly you want with little disparity.

For instance, a project to build a software system that identifies non-business uses of employee computers could advantage of the Six Sigma approach. Complete perfection would be detecting all personal use of business computers. You would test and refine the system, so there are no more than 3.4 flaws per million opportunities. This is a Six Sigma standard.

  • Scrum

Scrum is a project management methodology which recommends process and principles to perk up delivery. Scrum methodology is one of the most simple and popular frameworks within software development to put Agile principles into reality. The objective of Scrum is to enhance teamwork, communication, and speed of development.

If you hear people conversing about aspects such as scrums, sprints, burndowns, and backlogs, they are perhaps talking about Scrum or some derivative of it. Fundamentally, Scrum is about authorizing a self-managing team to bring and defines roles and liabilities to make a healthy tension amid delivering the correct thing, the correct manner, as quickly as possible.

  • Process Management

Business Process Management (BPM) or Process Management is the organizational discipline that provides resources and tools for defining, analyzing, monitoring, optimizing, and controlling business processes and for evaluating and driving enhanced performance of interdependent business processes.

BPM helps organizations move toward total digital transformation and assist them in realizing bigger organizational goals.

  • Kanban Technique

Project managers use a whiteboard with sticky notes located in any of the three columns: "in progress," "in a queue," and "recently completed" with Kanban. The notes hold descriptions of project tasks. The team can see what tasks are coming up easily, which ones are being worked on and which are done.

If anyone brings in a new task, the project manager can see where it belongs on the Kanban board and how it affects the other tasks. For instance, a new task with great urgency may cause a task that is already in progress to be put on hold by being moved back to the "in queue" column.

  • Lean

Lean methodology is a project management methodology focused on the region of the theme of efficiency. It begins by finding out the value and then maximizes it via constant improvement by optimizing the flow of value and getting rid of wastage.

It is a theme with principles instead of a methodology dictating procedure and things to do. It suggests you can do more with less by addressing the three dysfunctions that make waste; Muri, Mura, and Muda, also referred to as the 3Ms.

  1. Muri is about eliminating overload. We can apply this to reduce the number of projects we are trying to run through the agency.
  2. Mura is about getting rid of variations. This can mean standardizing approval processes and briefs.
  3. Muda is about getting rid of waste. In the world of digital, this can be getting rid of rounds of revisions.

Lean can be a beneficial mindset to adopt when reviewing your project delivery procedure. Think about how you can strip your project process back to the essentials that deliver value and cut out the things that are just fluff, or the way you have always done it, and you will be thinking Lean.


You might find that in excess of one of the abovementioned project management methodologies seem perfect for your project, or it may be possible that none of them will work. This simplified guideline would help you take the first steps of selecting the best methodology for your forthcoming project.

The next step to take is to carry out further research, and then once you come across the best match, pair it up with a great project management tool, and you are all set.

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