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Professional Answers to Some Botox Questions

Last updated Friday, June 4, 2021 02:10 ET , Source: Miracle Face Med Spa NYC

Miracle Face Med Spa NYC answers some common questions that are usually asked about Botox.

New York, NY, United States, 06/04/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

We hear the name Botox all around us. It’s had a huge effect on our society and has made itself a staple of cosmetic treatments. Unfortunately, not everyone who uses the word Botox actually understands what it means and what the procedure actually does.

With all the rumors and misinformation circulating the internet, cosmetic specialists are always trying to spread the positive side of Botox injections. To help us get a better understanding of the nuances behind this treatment Dr. Dmitriy Schwarzburg, a Manhattan-based practitioner from the acclaimed MiracleFace MedSpa, is here to answer some questions. He’s a seasoned veteran of his trade and has brought countless smiles to NYC residents.

Thanks to his professional insight, more and more individuals are getting a better idea of what Botox is and what it can do for them.

I: I think it would be best to start with the question that I think is on everyone’s mind: How does Botox actually work?

D: It’s amusing that you say that this question is on everyone’s mind because the secrets of how Botox works is widely published in many reliable sources and can be easily found online. The problem here is that many people would rather listen to rumors or read about celebrity gossip where the word “Botox” is used in negative connotations. In reality, Botox has had a very positive effect on many people’s lives. The compound in the injections is the botulinum toxin which has a very special ability to number certain muscles and keep them from constantly contracting. These are the contractions that are responsible for many of the wrinkles on the surface of the skin. When the facial muscles are numbed, naturally, the wrinkles above disappear and you’re left with a smooth surface. Obviously, this is a huge oversimplification of how the treatment works and there are a lot of medical details to Botox, but that would take me a few more hours to properly explain.

I: As much as I would be interested in hearing the details, we do have other questions that we would like you to address. Many individuals believe that Botox is dangerous. Is this true?

D: Botox is an injectable. Anything you inject into the body has the potential of damaging your body. In fact: anything that enters your body has the potential of harming it. This does not mean that it is always going to be dangerous. Now sure: Botox can be a dangerous compound. But my colleagues and I are qualified professionals and we have gone through years of education and training. We know how to work with Botox in a way that makes it completely safe. When you go to a restaurant, you are also putting yourself at risk. The food could be contaminated or not properly cooked and you can potentially cause harm to your body. But you trust the qualified professionals who work there and you know that they have the skills required to prepare food that is safe for consumption. The same goes for any cosmetic clinic. However, our qualifications are much harder to obtain and there are far stricter health codes that we follow than most other businesses.

I: In that case, could you tell us who can qualify for Botox?

D: The obvious requirement for Botox is age. You have to be at least 18 years old to qualify for Botox. There are also certain kinds of restrictions, but you will need to consult with your medical professional. Our bodies are all different. Your body may have little to no reaction when Botox is injected, but someone else’s body may not be as tolerant. We take all the precautions we need to determine who is qualified and who is not.

I: Is it true that the face goes numb after the injections? If so: does this not bother your patients?

D: As mentioned previously: yes, Botox will make your face go numb. This is a very alien sensation to most people, but we always inform them that this is a natural part of the process. They are weirded out by it at first but get used to it after some time and then stop noticing it entirely. There are some other minor side effects. Some of our patients report a little swelling, redness, and itchiness in the treated area, but this is a completely natural part of the process. Nothing to be afraid of: the body is going to react to anything you inject into it and this is how it defends itself. But once it realizes that the injected compound is not causing any damage and is not dangerous, the side effects subside on their own.

I: Let’s say I get injected with Botox today. How long will it take for the results to kick in?

D: This is also very relative. Everyone’s body is different, our skin is different, our muscles are different, and the amount of Botox injected is also different. There are very rare cases where the practitioner can give an exact time limit as to when the results of any treatment will kick in, but again, you will hardly ever come across that kind of accuracy. For Botox, I generally tell my clients to wait a week or two, but there have been many cases where the results began to show 3 to 4 days after the injection. So you could say that Botox is quite fast-acting, but no guarantees are given.

There are obviously a lot more questions about Botox that are on everyone’s mind about Botox and how it works. While we hope that we were able to answer some of the more popular inquiries on this treatment, there is always something new to learn about it. Don’t listen to rumors: check your facts and you will see the positive side of Botox.

Contact Details

Miracle Face Med Spa NYC

[email protected]

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