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Sayed Sayedy – A Peacekeeper with Efficient Problem-Solving Approach

Last updated Friday, August 6, 2021 11:00 ET , Source: Sayed Sayedy

Currently studying "Training and Development" at the University of Salzburg, Sayed is working as a freelance trainer and communications coach in the intercultural field.

Berlin, Germany, 08/06/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

Although the world has experienced tough times during the pandemic coronavirus, it was a major health threat that took millions of lives around the world while leaving many families shattered behind. But we cannot say that our planet was at peace before this because this statement would be far from the ground reality.

The communities around the world are already experiencing serious troubles. Many of them are even struggling to establish a safe living space for their families in a new environment. Few others are fighting for their rights and trying hard to be an integral part of society. These challenges may appear small when read in words, but the ones who experience the real pain behind these issues know how hard it is to live with.

When you are already on a tough journey, receiving support from someone means a lot. But there are millions of people in Afghanistan and Germany who are lucky enough to receive support from Sayed Sayedy to make a difference in their journey. You may find several news articles and online blogs talking about Sayed Sayed, an Afghan trainer, mediator, and coach who is making hard efforts to achieve World Peace.

Sayed started his journey as a social rights activist with his mother, and they fought for preserving women’s rights in the country. Born in the Parwan area of Afghanistan, Sayed was a student of sociology in his native land; however, he kept on doing social work along with his education. They traveled to several countries to promote gender equality and were ultimately able to establish a home in Germany.

While living in Germany, Sayed, with his Resilient Leadership, started working towards the welfare of refugees and slowly became a strong contributing person in society. Although it was a tough task in the beginning, slowly, he started obtaining support from the community and government as well. In order to give better life and living options to the refugees in the country, he started working with local small and medium scale businesses to integrate refugees as employees. Sayed also conducted several special training and courses for the refugees to enhance their work efficiency and ability to work in a specific environment.

Before moving to Munich, Germany, Sayed worked as an intercultural mediator and translator in the International NATO security force ISAF. During this job, he received training as an IT specialist from the year 2001 to 2014. With this past experience, he found better career opportunities in Germany and became a trainer at the Institute of International Cooperation led by the German Adult Education Association. Soon after that, he turned out to be a cultural facilitator in the country while solving disputes between people belonging to different cultural backgrounds.

In order to raise awareness among people and to support equality, he conducted many cultural diversity management seminars from time to time. The main goal of his training and educational seminars was to help people know how their unique backgrounds can contribute to the socio-economic success of the respective businesses, instead of leading some conflicts between employees. His continuous efforts helped people respect and appreciate every individual regardless of their ethnic origin, gender, nationality, age, identity, sexuality, religion, or being handicapped. These efforts of Sayed were recognized by communities and local governments, and it slowly helped to lead peace among people of different backgrounds.

Sayed also motivated people to learn about different cultures and religions so that they can develop familiarity and respect towards practices and beliefs followed by others. This Intercultural Communication approach helped him to integrate refugees into the local workplaces in a more efficient manner. Over time, it was observed that these new employees turned out to be truly beneficial for the companies; however, their journey was loaded with worse kinds of discrimination and lesser productivity in the beginning. Sayed helped people understand and support each other at workplaces so that they can work together to enhance the overall growth of the company.

On his journey to World Peace, Sayed also became a trained Migrant for Migrant Program mediator in Germany and started working for Ethno-Medical Center to lead violence prevention activities. He conducted several seminars in multiple languages, including Farsi, Dari, Pashtu, Pashai, English, and German; moreover, they were available for free so that common people can access them with ease. With his experience in conflict management and counseling, he was actively involved in establishing peaceful relationships between different parties at the workplace. He also contributed to establishing harmonious connections between employers and employees by eliminating disputes at several levels.

About Sayed Sayedy

Sayed was born in Parwan, Afghanistan, in the year 1992. He completed his education in sociology while doing social work in Parwan. Right from his childhood, he was actively involved in human rights campaigns along with his mother and served as a cultural facilitator to minimize misunderstandings and difficulties between different parties. Sayed has a long list of achievements at an early age, and he has contributed a lot to global peace.

He is not just a mediator, coach, or trainer; rather, he is widely recognized as a contributing and responsible member of society who is working hard to make the world a better place to live. While working with refugees over the years, he has developed a better understanding of different religions and cultures around the world. Which further helps him lead his goal of establishing World Peace. He is always active in helping immigrant people settle in the new environment, find career opportunities in the local communities and live happy life together.

Sayed is currently obtaining education in Training and Development from the University of Salzburg. At the same time, he is working as a freelance communication coach and trainer in to lead Intercultural Competence. Other than this, Sayed is also working full time with the Project HEROES that is lead against suppression in the name of honor. Other than this, he is also actively involved in many civilian and educational peace projects in Cambodia and Afghanistan.

Media Contact

Sayed Sayedy

Coach | Mediator | Trainer


[email protected]


*The article is in English, but the link you will be visiting is in German.

Original Source of the original story >> Sayed Sayedy – A Peacekeeper with Efficient Problem-Solving Approach