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The cheat is on - Education Technology

Last updated Monday, September 13, 2021 02:50 ET , Source: NewsService

On the way, we meet an enraged university professor; pushy, assignment-salesdroids; and a shame-free essay mill retiree enjoying the fruits of her labour

Until UK law catches up with the Republic of Ireland, South Africa and Australia, essay mills, aka commercial contract cheating companies, are busy making hay - and reaping cash - with impunity in the UK.

Scourges of academic integrity, the contract cheating 'industry' is widespread, opaque and morally dubious.

But, demanding money with menaces aside, essay mills are completely legal - in 2018 it was estimated that 115,000 UK students were employing third-party writers - and driving the education sector, and student representing bodies, to distraction.

So, what's the deal with essay mills?

Whatever the discipline, from the humanities through to, engineering and medicine, if a student is assigned an essay, a dissertation, even a PhD thesis they can't write themselves, an essay mill can be hired to commission a professional writer from their database - always, they promise, with a Master's degree upwards - to deliver it.

That might be reassuring for students who've used an "Academic writer", were it for the fact that AI software can also determine the true authorship of the words linking the quotes, turns of phrase, sentence structures, syntax - which could, potentially, lead to students having to commission the same writer for essays throughout their degree, less they be exposed. They've compiled 993 essay writing...

Read Full Story: https://edtechnology.co.uk/features/the-cheat-is-on/

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