Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Writing an essay - The Jewish Standard

Last updated Wednesday, September 22, 2021 19:55 ET , Source: NewsService

For those with older kids, those with potential to help you with some of those lists you want to keep them happy so they will, possibly, help you - but it all depends upon how old they are. Just kidding, we found other things, just not the whole "When are you getting the sukkah up?" heated conversation. Over the years, friends have asked him for help with their kids' college essays, and he was always happy to do it. He even helped his daughter's friend with his medical school essay The ability to help kids turn their ideas into well sculpted essays has been, well, transformative, and he has started a business. If I can help even one parent and child get along better by recommending someone to help with their college essays, I will feel pretty darn good.

So in conclusion, sukkah poles can stay up all year, and remember to tell your kids that you love them even if they don't listen to you.

Banji Ganchrow of Teaneck misses the days of making homemade paper chains with her brother while watching TV. Cherish the memories, kids, cherish the memories.

Read Full Story: https://jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com/writing-an-essay/

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