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Michael Dean of Studio69NYC launches new foundation to support housing for artists and service workers

Last updated Friday, October 8, 2021 00:02 ET , Source: Get Featured

The Township Foundation, a new 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Manhattan (New York, NY, USA), will support housing projects for artists and service industry workers.

New York, NY, United States, 10/08/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

Michael Dean, in conjunction with The Township Foundation today announced the formation of a new 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Manhattan (New York, NY, USA) to support housing projects for artists and service workers, which will build partnerships to create cross-sector, multi-faceted solutions to problems that require collective efforts and extend beyond the reach of any single agency or government office. These include challenges such as stable and local housing for artists and service industry workers, low-paying jobs, homelessness, housing affordability, and equity.

“The last year and half+ of COVID-19 has taught us so much about the inequity that exists for artists and service industry workers, and just how fragile our financial systems are for people who help, serve, and create the experiences that make our lives better.” said Michael Dean, President and CEO of The New York based foundation. “So many people were impacted with the pandemic, and so many were left without any resources or even unemployment because of how these industries are often run. Many bars, restaurants, and other venues pay under the table, and so many closed. It’s devastated the community in so many ways.”

“From grocery store workers, to bartenders, to artists, we were all heavily impacted by the financial crisis the pandemic created, and too many people had to leave New York because of it.” said Peter Cariola, board member for the foundation, and financial executive formerly of Morningstar, Inc. (Chicago, IL). “We need to create a community where the people who make our lives joyous, easier, and often times just bearable in times like this, are able to have reasonably priced housing that is sustainable and viable, even during a downturn.”

“As we approach another winter, and with the virus still at hand, I can only look back at last winter sitting in the cold outdoor space of Rise Bar in NYC and being grateful for even the smallest outdoor space to go to and for the team at Rise who made every visit special. I am eternally grateful for the venues that survived, saddened for those we lost, and more determined than ever to make sure we all have spaces like this enjoy and that the staff have opportunities to have fair and equitable opportunities. When you don’t have ‘family’ in the city or state, the people around like the artists and service industry workers become your closest friends and family. ”

The Township Foundation will work with local leaders to identify housing opportunities, programs, financial resources, and other community building efforts to help support those who make our day-to-day the lives they are.”

“As part of this community building, we plan to employ many people to help support the communities we build and provide equitable salaries to those employees, thereby giving them an even greater stake in this effort.” said Michael Dean, President and CEO of The New York based The Township Foundation. The benefit to local businesses is that staff have long term, affordable safe housing, which allows them to continue to have a consistent staff and team who able to flourish in the communities they help create.

Announcements and information regarding The Township Foundation will be released over the next several weeks as progress is made on various projects and events to support this effort, with an intended full launch charity gala expected to occur October 31, 2021. Details will be released via the foundation’s website and social media (IG: @thetownshipfoundation, www.thetownshipfoundation.org).

Michael Dean (@_Michael_Dean) is an internationally published photographer, model, writer, producer, and entrepreneur. His studio and office, Studio69NYC (@studio69NYC), is located on the Upper West Side of New York. His work over the years has included an art gallery, floral shop, and production company in Chicago, which earned him a Congressional Medal of Distinction for Small business owner of the year in 2006. Michael produced AIDSRide Chicago for many years in conjunction TPAN (Test Positive Aware Network) after working for many years with the former AIDS Rides and AIDS Vaccine Rides. Michael Dean is also the President and founder of Dean Consulting, an IT and Change Management consulting firm, as well as the founder Achieve Balance Life Coaching (www.AchieveBalance.life).

Michael Dean will be hosting at The Winter Film Awards this Saturday, October 2, 2021, 7:00 PM at 230 Fifth Rooftop in New York. The Winter Film Awards is an independent film festival and awards celebrating their 10th year, with a theme of Celebrating Diversity.

Contact: [email protected]

Company Name: The Township Foundation

Contact Person: Matthew Smith

Phone: 2127294822

Address: 107 W 69th St #1B

City: New York

State: NY

Country*: United States

Website*: http://thetownshipfoundation.org/

Original Source of the original story >> Michael Dean of Studio69NYC launches new foundation to support housing for artists and service workers