The latest post by holistic physical therapist Dr. Lauren E Schnidman outlines how physical therapy can help build the body’s ability to support its joints. Many people who run, lift weights, or play a sport may often complain of a nagging tennis elbow that prevents them from truly enjoying the sport they play. According to the Dr., sports physical therapy can help a great deal. Physical therapy gives people the ability to get back into form and then pursue athletics and enjoy the sports they always did. While many people think of sports therapy as a way to recover from injury, it can help a runner, for instance, avoid running injury. Also, physical therapy can help prevent a lot of serious injuries later on.

While people who play sports or exercise are strongly advised to practice safe stretching, sometimes an injury may not be caused because the body isn’t warm enough ready for the exercise. Injuries and often long-term pain can be caused by a myriad of other reasons. That’s why therapists can’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. The best way to prevent injuries or long-term pain is to have a physical therapist assess a person’s current strength level and then create a plan that helps target the weakest spots that could lead to injuries if not shored up. The approach, according to Dr. Lauren E Schnidman, is one of the keys to injury prevention. Once a plan is in place, a certified personal trainer can oversee that it is implemented correctly for the best results.
According to Dr. Lauren E Schnidman, it could mean that a tennis player, for instance, can play all year round without suffering from any significant setbacks. The same goes for a runner who can enjoy running again without nagging knee or shin pain.

Readers can read the blog post posted by Dr. Lauren E Schnidman by visiting In Motion’s official website at
“All athletes have a natural drive to compete. However, competition often means trying harder, being brave, and working through the pain. I’ve had many patients who play competitive sports but shrug off what they see as minor injuries, which only leads to those injuries becoming worse. The biggest mistake they make is not mentioning those injuries to a physical therapist or a personal trainer because they don’t want to be benched. But without treatment, that so-called minor injury can become more serious, and that will require often taking several weeks off from playing.” Said Dr. Lauren E Schnidman.
She added, “Tennis elbow is the most common instance of this type of pain. It may start harmless. There is some pain that’s probably throbbing, and that leads the person to assume that they can play through it. However, if that pain isn’t addressed correctly with the right physical therapy, it can later turn into arthritis and eventually to a loss of function.”
About In Motion
In Motion Physical Therapy clinic that’s on a mission to provide excellent physical therapy services to help patients return to doing what they love. The clinic works with many tennis players, runners, and other people in the sports industry. Located in Lincoln Park, the company is reputed for providing excellent quality care and specializes in treating pain.
In Motion Physical Therapy
2731 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60614