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8 things to know about sustainable farming - thatsfarming.com - Thats Farming

Last updated Saturday, December 11, 2021 19:01 ET , Source: NewsService

Nicole Garrison lists 8 things to know about sustainable farming.

Due to the declining health of the planet, sustainable farming is a priority.

Intensive farming results in water pollution, soil contamination, loss of wildlife, the introduction of chemicals to food, and poor animal welfare, just to name a few. That is why we need sustainable farming.

However, before you leap into it, you should know a thing or two about it.

Even if you’ve already joined the community of sustainable farmers, these points can open your eyes to its importance, useful practices, and relevant novelties.

1. Small-scale farmers are an important element in food security

Many aren’t aware of how relevant small farmers are.

These individuals not only help us preserve this beautiful planet, but they integrate into local and global food systems.

There’s also the fact that the demand for locally grown food is growing. There’s no secret about the pesticides and harmful chemicals in food, which is why people turn to organic food.

What does this mean for the ruling bodies of countries around the world?

Governments and companies need to improve their support for sustainable farmers if they want to scale up their production.

The support can come in the form of access to markets, legal land tenure, professional training in sustainable agriculture in business development, investment in technologies, and so on.

2. Everyone needs to contribute

The road towards sustainability can’t be built by a single person.


Read Full Story: https://thatsfarming.com/farming-news/sustainable-farming-facts/

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