Friday, March 14, 2025

New Lincoln Arts Council executive director focuses on finding partners to reach underserved populations - Lincoln Journal Star

Last updated Wednesday, December 22, 2021 18:10 ET , Source: NewsService

Troy Gagner doesn’t dabble in poetry or paint portraits. Instead, he looks for creative ways to problem solve and connect artists with the community.

A Lincoln Arts Council employee for the past four years, he was recently named its executive director. Gagner’s initial job was that of development director, which kept him busy writing grants, securing event sponsorships and cultivating donors. Then former director Deb Weber asked him to take on the Lincoln Arts Festival director position for 2019 and the additional role of Partnerships and Programs director.

“When Troy started, I think in the back of his mind and my mind was that he would take over,” Weber said. “Troy will be good at helping people understand the arts are unifying in a community.”

The Lincoln Arts Council is known as Lincoln’s art agency, responsible for bringing forth initiatives and projects to the community and collaborating with local arts organizations and independent artists. Among its duties is coordinating the annual Lincoln Arts Festival.

Gagner was charged with finding a new location for the 2021 event, and with board approval it moved to Canopy Street in the Railyard. The venue featured 80 artists and makers, 18 interactive art activities, 18 performers and attracted over 10,000 people. Plans are to return to the Railyard in 2022.

In addition to the annual arts festival, past examples of the council’s work include the Tour de Lincoln bike art project and Stories from Home, a writing and visual...

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