Thursday, February 6, 2025

Here's why and how I started my Clubhouse on Wheels - Santa Barbara News-Press

Last updated Sunday, January 2, 2022 08:53 ET , Source: NewsService

My first road novel, “Motional Blur,” the result of rolling around seven western states in my Clubhouse on Wheels, was published in 2016 by Skyhorse Publishing in New York City. A second, “Book Drive,” was published by Bartleby Press last July.

This is the tale — a local story — of how the COW was born and led to road novels.

It started with circumstances that led to me not being involved in an exclusive, private club after the club made things very difficult for me. It wasn’t worth it. In fact, not joining this club set me free. I found the road to be a great alternative.

People, it is said, only truly come alive outside their comfort zone.

Instead of ensconcing ourselves in a secure cocoon and excluding the outside world, I would create a traveling fellowship of like-minded adventurers beneath a rolling roof that ventured deeply into the outside world.

I would create my own club and clubhouse.

A clubhouse on wheels: Acronymically, COW.

This would be the right home for our money — and our free spirit.

It would be about living, not languishing in exclusion. The road to everywhere instead of nowhere.

And out of it evolved road trips and road novels, based on a methodology I soon created.


It starts with an idea that kicks around in my mind, giving birth to characters, cultivating a plot.

The late Thom Steinbeck of Montecito once imparted this bit of wisdom on me that he’d been told by his famous father, John, who wrote “Travels with...

Read Full Story: https://newspress.com/heres-why-and-how-i-started-my-clubhouse-on-wheels/

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