Monday, March 31, 2025

Commission seeks nominees for Thomas L. Quay Award - The Robesonian

Last updated Friday, January 7, 2022 15:23 ET , Source: NewsService

RALEIGH — The N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission is seeking nominations through Jan. 31 for the 17th annual Thomas L. Quay Award.

This award honors an individual who has made significant, longstanding commitment to, and demonstrated leadership in promoting conservation of nongame species and their habitats in North Carolina. Nongame species are animals that have not open hunting, fishing or trapping season.

Anyone interested in nominating someone for the award must submit a nomination form, which is available www.ncwildlife.org; and a detailed essay of the nominee’s contributions to wildlife conservation. The essay is limited to two pages. Submissions that exceed the 2-page limit will be disqualified and returned to the nominator.

Submit nominations by either:

— E-mail to [email protected]

— Mail to N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, Division of Inland Fisheries, c/o Melinda Huebner, 1722 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1700.

In addition to this year’s nominations, nominations submitted in 2020 and 2021 will be considered.

Nominations submitted before 2020 will be considered upon request. Email requests to Melinda Huebner at [email protected].

The Nongame Wildlife Advisory Committee will recommend nominees for consideration to the Board of Commissioners at their April 2022 meeting. The winner will be announced at the Commissioners’ summer meeting.

Read Full Story: https://www.robesonian.com/features/153098/commission-seeks-nominees-for-thomas-l-quay-award

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