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UPSC Mains 2021: Paper-1 (Essay) Analysis, Last-Minute Tips by Experts for GS-1, GS-2 Preparation - Jagran Josh

Last updated Friday, January 7, 2022 02:10 ET , Source: NewsService

UPSC Mains 2021 for Civil Services has begun on 7th January amidst a lot of rows for postponement of the exam. Today, the aspirants of Civil Services appeared for the first exam, Paper 1 which is of the Essay. The exam was conducted from 9:00 AM today and ended at 12:00 noon. A few happy faces exited the exam centres today as many found the paper average but for other many candidates, the paper was extremely tough. The candidates would have found it difficult to link the examples in their essays. The paper required a lot of thinking. So, it is for sure that the paper was tricky and tough.

Take a look at the in-depth paper analysis below and also note what experts have to say for UPSC Mains GS-1 paper preparation on the last day.

UPSC Mains Essay Paper 1: In-Depth Expert Analysis

UPSC Mains Essay paper happens to be one of those exams in the series that helps candidates score maximum marks to give their combined total a push. This time the essay paper as always was a bit tricky for those who attended it. Overall it would be ranged as a tough paper as many topics were difficult to attempt.

One of the topics was 'Your Perception of Me is a Reflection of You, My reflection of you is an awareness of me'. Another was Philosophy of wantlessness is Utopian while materialism is a chimaera. This means that UPSC this year decided to go philosophical. Many candidates seemed to go with these two topics from Section A.

Mehek, a candidate outside the Noida centre said, “ The paper was as...

Read Full Story: https://www.jagranjosh.com/articles/upsc-mains-paper-1-essay-paper-analysis-lastminute-tips-by-experts-for-gs1-gs2-preparation-1641536912-1

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