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15 Facts You Didn't Know About Your Daily Bathroom Routine! - W3 Online Shopping

Last updated Thursday, January 21, 2021 13:31 ET

This article is about 15 important facts about your daily bathroom routine. Read these facts to know what you need to do to have a clean bathroom.

Plano, YX, United States, 01/21/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

Bathroom is one of the proven necessities of life. A few facts should be done to your toilet every day.

Most of us have one - or more - and we want to keep it clean, but sometimes all you have to do is see the fun side of these strange dishes. Here are 10 distinct toilet facts that will make you laugh that you are dealing with bacteria and tartar.

So let’s jump into the best toilet cleaning brush reviews helps you to choose the right product: check out here.

1. Wash your hands

Scientists at the London School of Health found that 32% of single men wash their hands after using the toilet, compared to 62 women. Washing your hands with water alone is not sufficient to eliminate the bacteria. However: do not forget to use the detergent and take the necessary time, as washing your hands will take at least 20-30 seconds. To accumulate bacteria.

2. Timesink

People in the UK generally visit pigeons six to eight times a day. That's about 2,500 times a year. If you collect everything, we can spend up to three years of our lives using the toilet. Nature looks without a doubt.

3. Will you extend the life expectancy of your toilet brush long enough?

First, there is no specific life expectancy for a toilet brush. However, it needs to be changed at regular intervals. Otherwise, you can spread the bacteria with the brush used instead of removing it. Our primary secret: fill your toilet brush holder with a mixture of water and toilet bowl cleaner when not in use. This also ensures that the brush is ideal for your next cleaning using best toilet brush.

4. Space for discord

Could it be helpful to talk about pesky bathroom habits to relieve stress in your home? A study by Blanx White Toothpaste found 70% of people in the UK quarrel with their bathroom partners. Respondents also said that this is more common than family or monetary disputes. The average British family has been fighting over the bathroom for more than four hours!

5. Away from home

A public toilet can contain more than 40,000 germs at one time. Whoever takes care of them should catch Harpic!

6. A toilet waiting to absorb the information

Who has kids there? It looks like you'll change a baby's diaper up to 10,000 times before he can go to the bathroom without anyone else. The hardest occupation on the planet.

7. Different strokes for different people

In the United States, more than US $ 100,000 was spent funding a study to find out whether most people had installed toilet panels in the front or back of the rack. In case you think about it, only one in four people has a fold on the back ...

8. The toilet tuner

No need to play in the shower. The toilet might be the best bathroom. Most of the toilets seem to be flushed in Es.

9. Toilet chat

A study by the charity Tearfund found that more than 8 million people in the UK report using their phones in the bathroom. The digital age is going a long way! In the United States, more than 7 million people admit to throwing their receivers in the toilet bowl. This is usually in contrast to some of the other things that figure out how to move: glasses, clothes, toothbrushes, toys, goldfish, dentures, and even hamsters!

10. Learn loos

There are an entire theme park and gallery in South Korea dedicated to the humble toilet. In fact, after these top 10, we can see that they are much more interesting than they seem.

11. Accidents happen

Over 40,000 of our US neighbors figure out how to constantly injure themselves in the bathroom. Who noticed that the toilet was so treacherous ?! Prince George II collapsed until 1760.

12. Release your clogged toilet with Cola and Mentos

Sure - this biggest myth of house cleaning creates the critical task of cleaning the blockage, but it can also damage plumbing and contaminate the entire bathroom. The best trick is to pour hot water (not a bubble!) From a height of 1 meter. The energy generated with the fall will immediately remove the blockage.

13. Real leaves

It is believed that the Chinese first invented toilet paper in the 6th century. Each sheet had two legs on three legs. Imagine trying to bring a pack of 8 things to the pantry under the stairs.

14. Thoroughly clean the toilet

Don't be too gentle about noticing the toilet bowl, as most of us do: to get rid of debris, you need to thoroughly clean the bowl with the toilet brush on all corners. To make your work easier, pour the bowl of toilet liquid into the bowl for at least five minutes to let the stubborn dirt fall on its own. Another serious mix: we neglect to dry toilet bowl on the outside after washing it using best toilet brush

15. Close the toilet lid while washing

Do you turn off the lid while washing using best toilet brush? Think twice because it's rude! Eau de toilette can splash up to six meters from the toilet and contaminate the entire bathroom. Go from sandstone to floor and eventually reach for your toothbrush! With this in mind, don't forget to wash with the toilet lid closed to keep your toothbrush out of the threat area.


The above are the most common Facts You Didn't Know About Your Daily Toilet Activities. Ensure you go through them all and understand each and every point well. This will help you to keep your toilet clean and decent. 

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