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Meet Bob Mangat: The Serial “Automated Entrepreneur” Who Weaves Ideas Into Gold

Last updated Tuesday, February 9, 2021 21:48 ET , Source: Bob Mangat

From debt to a self-made millionaire, Bob Mangat has proven that persistence is the key to successful entrepreneurship.

Blaine, 02/09/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

“Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.” - Bob Mangat

Mindset is just one part, though a pivotal part, behind the phenomenal success Bob Mangat has created during his entrepreneurship...and he isn’t done yet.

Bob is the founder of the invigoMEDIA group, including EverGenius, Honest Doctor, and 7-Figure Clinic. His tech-savvy developments and innovative marketing strategies have lead him to become a two-time #1 Best-Selling author, for each of his books: The Automated Entrepreneur: How To Boost Sales, Maximize Profits, and CRUSH the Competition; and Pain Inc.: How To Create A Mass Army Of Customers Willing To Pay You Cash For Your Services. Bob is also a two-time Two Comma Club winner and has appeared in numerous notorious publications including Forbes, HuffPost, Entrepreneur, Yahoo and more. In fact, he is going to be featured as one of the top Entrepreneurs in 2021 to watch out for on Yahoo.

As if that is not enough, Bob has built a reputable history growing clinics and practices across North America. In fact, he has worked with over 2000 companies providing them growth solutions and making them profitable, in some cases ten-fold within one year alone.


Bob created his climb to mass entrepreneurial success by documenting his own proven and unique strategies to grow his own businesses. He then used that to create a business helping others do the same. His strategy always was the same magic formula he stuck true to. As Bob says, “persistence is key.”

With invigoMEDIA group, for example, Bob started the business from the ground up, with no credit, no loans, no funding or venture capital. He sold to his first client, reinvested, and continued on. He worked consistently to provide marketing and growth solutions with a few clinics. He grew to managing multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, and within five short years, he was able to exit to a public company (which, if you ask most agencies is within only 1% of what small to medium-sized agencies ever get to realize). As a result of his persistent methods and consistent drive to achieve he became one of North America’s Elite Business growth experts.

Bob’s success story is one of humble beginnings, however.

“You can’t learn what I’ve gone through in a weekend course,” says Bob, “I have gone from losing everything to building an empire because I was willing to work for it.” He advises, “where you are in your life right now, financially, physically mentally, it’s precisely how you have designed it. You are responsible for where you are in your life right now and nobody else.”

Bob recounts his earlier struggles in life. He admits that because of his early hardships, from growing up with nothing, he always feels compelled to overachieve, simply out of the fear of losing it all.

His story started out similar to many. Bob grew up with two immigrant parents, not having very much, and watched his parents struggle to make ends meet. He went from being near homeless to dropping out of college and becoming almost bankrupt. As he grew up, he vowed to make changes. He envisioned the life he wanted for himself and changed his mindset, worked hard, relentlessly even, and went on to build one of the most successful (to date) real estate companies in Canada. However, working increasingly long hours (up to 80 hours a week) had its price. After going through a separation with his wife, feeling defeated, he decided there had to be a better way.

“Working hard is not always the answer but more so working smart,” said Bob. He decided to then study marketing automation and how to grow business while working less.

Determined to create a life where he could have family, wealth, and a lifestyle that suited his needs and wants, Bob changed his mantra for business to “less clients, more money.” Not long after, the Automated Entreprepreneur arrived, his signature stamp on success. That is when Bob built his business helping others do the same. Getting a handle on his goals towards living his dream life, he also reconnected with his wife, and now has a beautiful family (two boys). The accolades and earnings accumulated, as did the opportunities to live and work on his terms.

Fast forward to today, Bob is still creating ideas in technological development and E-commerce. What’s more though, he is now helping others to build a celebrity-like brand. You can catch him coaching entrepreneurs on how to build a 7-figure business in 18 months or less.

Celebrity branding, building authority through modern-day PR strategies and reputation marketing, is all a part of his newest venture.

One thing is for sure, whatever Bob Mangat puts his mind to, seems to turn to solid gold.

Bob’s formulaic process towards success has built his undeniable winning reputation. His continual journey of ongoing achievements is one to follow. Certainly, it will inspire determined entrepreneurs all across North America and even the world.

Bob Mangat lives in Vancouver, BC with his wife and two children. He is an avid soccer player, snowboarder, mountain biker, jet setter, and overall vows to live life with no regrets.

To learn more about Bob Mangat visit BobMangat.com or follow him on Instagram and LinkedIn

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