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Keith Clouse, Employment Law Arbitrator, Discusses the Pros and Cons of Arbitrating an Employment Dispute

Last updated Wednesday, January 6, 2010 01:00 ET

By agreeing to arbitrate a matter, the parties agree to bypass the court system and to allow a neutral third party to resolve their dispute.

01/06/2010 / SubmitMyPR /

Many employers require employees to sign arbitration agreements as a condition of employment, but sometimes an employer will ask an employee (or former employee) to submit a claim to arbitration after the dispute has arisen.  By agreeing to arbitrate a matter, the parties agree to bypass the court system and to allow a neutral third party to resolve their dispute.  Keith Clouse, a Dallas employment law arbitrator, discusses the pros and cons of resolving an employment dispute by arbitration.

First, arbitration is a private matter; no public records are maintained, and all hearings are closed to outsiders.  Second, arbitration can be less expensive and faster than litigation. The process is frequently described as “informal” because the complex procedural rules that must be followed in litigation are not observed.  Most individuals view these aspects as positive.  But informality can lead to uncertainty.  Further, while an arbitrator may reach a final decision quickly, few grounds for an appeal exist.  So, if a party believes the arbitrator wrongly decided the issue, the party will likely have little recourse.

To speak with an employment law arbitrator regarding an employment dispute, contact the attorneys at Clouse Dunn Khoshbin LLP at [email protected]