Friday, March 14, 2025

Books About Reputation Management

Last updated Sunday, April 3, 2011 17:23 ET

Image Max PR released an updated edition of their top selling Reputation Management Book How To Fight Google and Win.

New Orleans, US, 04/03/2011 / SubmitMyPR /

New Orleans, LA (WiredPRNews.com) Image Max PR released an updated edition of their top selling Reputation Management Book How To Fight Google and Win. The latest addition was redesign to help many unemployed job seekers control the first page of search engines and to prevent HR managers from disqualifying them based on Cyber Bully Attacks.

How to repair an online reputation may have just gotten a little easier with the release of the latest top selling PR book How To Fight Google and Win. As more and more internet searchers turn to the internet for all of their news and information the first page of Google has become the new battle for Middle Earth.

Internet slander can have a very devastating impact on a business or the reputation of an out of work job seeker. Google has always shifted the blame resulting from online defamation to the third party that posted the content, but finally help has arrived.

How To Fight Google and Win is a step by step easy to follow textbook designed to help internet searchers repair and protect their online reputations. A few chapters include; How to remove a Mug- Shot, How to remove negative articles, How to recover from negative publicity, and How to take down a negative website.

Tyronne Jacques is a Reputation Management Expert and the author of How to fight Google and win. In a recent interview he explained that consumers don’t need a computer science degree in order to protect their online reputation, the first few steps are as easy as sending an email.

“My Goal with this book was to simply let the average consumer know that you have just as much rights to the first page of Google as the negative sight that attacked you. I wanted to teach people how to present a more positive online image versus allowing the negative post of a blogger to define them.”

How to fight Google and win is not only easy to follow but also affordable. With the cost to hire a Reputation Management service soaring, this valuable resource is priced perfect for the average consumer.

In America today, there are at least 1.5 million "99ers" - American workers that have completely exhausted all of their long-term unemployment benefits and that still do not have jobs. HR Executive Phillip Lee says this book has become a must read for many of the long term unemployed now referred to as the 99ers.

“Many of the people classified as 99ers are at wits end as to why they still haven’t been able to land the perfect job. This same group quite often arrives at the frightening realization that negative search results are costing them job opportunities. Unfortunately in my field of employee recruitment, whatever information that is visible on the first page of Google has the possibility to speak louder than a accomplishments highlighted in your resume.”

How to fight Google and Win is available in paperback through bookstores as well as an instant E-book version at Remove Slander.com. The E-book edition comes with 8 How To Videos designed to help even the most novice computer user remove a negative item off the first page of Google. The entire system was recently updated on April 1, 2011 to adjust to Google’s latest Algorithm changes.

The internet can be the road to fortune or failure depending on the content that is visible on the first page of Google. How to fight Google and Win is design to give consumers and business owners a fighting chance at the next big opportunity. To purchase a copy of How To Fight Google and Win please visit www.RemoveSlander.com