No matter what the stockmarket is doing you should still be able to wake up in the morning and grab a pair of hand crafted shoes to put on your feet. You should be able to walk outside and know that unlike the rest of the world your shoes are going to make it through the rest of the day. Should things get really bad you should be wearing a pair of shoes that will be worth ounce for ounce more then gold. Unfortunately when it comes to men's dress shoes large brand name companies have been fabricating your shoes like a typical ponzi scheme stacking sub prime material on top of each other like a drunken game of Jenga.
Well, no more! Dragan Mrdja has decided to take on the shoe industry like a David and Goliath story. Where others cut corners Dragan cuts leather. When the Italians said it couldn't be done and China wanted half of his company, Dragan found a group of cobblers from Belgrade willing and able to challenge the world by hand crafting shoes that men would leave their wives for. I actually cashed out my stocks for a pair (best decision ever).
Dragan a local to New York and Los Angeles is challenging the industry again by launching his next shoe line through offering the community the opportunity to purchase his shoes at wholesale prices before anyone else. Named “Project 1551” Dragan is only releasing 1,551 shoes from his next collection which launches September 2nd.
What else can we say upgrade your double A fashion with a pair of Triple A shoes from Dragan Mrdja Designs.
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- Unlike the economy your dress shoes should never fall apart.
Unlike the economy your dress shoes should never fall apart.
Last updated Monday, August 15, 2011 10:30 ETDragan Mrdja takes on the shoe industry through to bring back high quality hand crafted dress shoes

Los Angeles, USA, 08/15/2011 / SubmitMyPR /