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Kayaking.org Launches The Web’s First Kayak Booking System

Last updated Tuesday, December 6, 2011 06:00 ET

Kayaking.org aims to become the Expedia of the Kayaking world with their brand-new Kayak Booking System.

Los Angeles, USA, 12/06/2011 / SubmitMyPR /

When you travel to a new city there are some very common things people like to book ahead of time. You need to book a hotel, maybe a rental car, concert tickets, and maybe even front row seats at a sporting event. There’s a centralized hub online for all of these things, now what if you want to book kayak tours or rentals? There was absolutely nothing, until now.

Kayaking.org founder Morgan Linton ran-into this problem first-hand when he moved to Los Angeles. “I was in a new city and I wanted to find kayaking tours near my home. The only way I could effectively do this was to visit each individual kayaking tour company website, find their phone number, and call each one to request availability information. That’s when the idea came to me,” says Linton whose team has spent over eight months redesigning the site and deploying the booking system.

“The idea was simple – let’s do for the kayaking world what Expedia did for the travel world,” says Linton. The new booking system looks and feels a lot like the familiar forms you’d find on Expedia, Travelocity, and other travel booking sites. Kayakers can enter the city they are visiting, what dates they will be there, and whether they are looking for tours, rentals, family kayaking, or kayaking events.

“There are millions of kayakers all over the world. Many of them would love to book kayaking tours when they visit a new city, this makes the experience the same as when they book a flight or hotel,” say Linton who quickly made his mark in the Kayaking niche after buying Kayaking.org in an auction back in 2008. “We’re pioneering in a space that’s been stagnant since the late 90’s, it’s a bit like creating the future, and we love every minute of it!”