Thursday, March 13, 2025

Employment Agreement Forms See Net Gains

Last updated Tuesday, March 27, 2012 17:32 ET

Online Forms for New Hires Prosper as Economy Turns Corner

Mission Viejo, US, 03/27/2012 / SubmitMyPR /

One of EasyAgreements.com most popular documents is the employment Agreement. Now more than ever before, it is important for employers to protect themselves from any sort of possible legal altercation between themselves and past or current employees. One component to that protection comes from the paperwork filed on an employee's first day, and many are turning to online forms for this service. One such element of that first-day paperwork comes in the form of an Employment Agreement and Employee Contract.

"Legally protecting oneself is a complicated process," said one EasyAgreements.com employee. "One mistake, and you immediately have a vulnerability that can be exploited by a good attorney, so everything has to be precise. Because we are so thorough with all of our online forms, I think that's been the primary reason people are turning to us more and more."

EasyAgreements.com's Employment Agreement form is designed to be easily modified while still being legally sound. The online form lays out the basic duties or requirements and expectations an employee is obligated to meet during their employment. It also outlines what the grounds for termination are in the event that the employee does not fulfill those obligations. Furthermore, it also outlines the specific time frame with which the employee is to be hired.

It appears as though many people are looking to make a quick buck by suing former employers. With the scarcity of jobs and an ever-increasing workforce via new college graduates, many are finding that even low-paying jobs are hard to find. Yet our society has not shaken off the notion that what used to be known as the American Dream is becoming a far more difficult goal for the current generation of young adults to reach. This makes the need for online forms so important, as many former employees are taking their frustrations out on former employers in an effort to help make up for the disparity between what they make or made, and the cost of attaining that Dream.

EasyAgreements.com has been providing online forms for years, and says that their Employment Agreement is one of their most successful and widely-sought documents because it is the one online document that every business needs.

"Lawsuits are not bad inherently, but when people begin to file frivolous lawsuits against old employers that gave them an honest shot within their company, that's when things are going too far. Since an Employment Agreement is something every employee should be presented with, it's no wonder it is one of our better selling online forms."

Just looking for statistics on the matter in a Google search yields stories of class action suits by recent law school graduates against their alma matters, claiming they were mislead by what the schools were telling them about employment after graduation. Possibly due to the prevalence of online forms hitting the marketplace, many are turning wherever they can to find income. Making matters worse, it is not just an isolated incident here and there, but rather a constant and recurring theme.
Every journey begins with the first step, however, and as an employer, having a solid Employment Agreement can help you avoid these headaches before they even arise. After all, it's hard to argue against an online form that the person signed that is sitting right in front of them. These days, though, there is always someone looking to do just that.

For more information on Employment Agreement Forms and other Human Resources Online forms please visit
www dot easyagreements dot com