“The Power of Resilience: Navigating Diverse Cultures in Times of Change” will be held Monday–Wednesday, July 22–24, 2013, on the campus of Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Sponsored by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center, the Intercultural Communication Institute and Cascade Employers Association, the conference brings together certified Resiliency Facilitators from Japan, Germany, Brazil, Maine, New York, and the Portland Metro area.
Molly Siebert, Director, Al Siebert Resiliency Center, states, “This is our first international conference and it will honor my late husband’s life’s work as well as the - work of our international team. Scheduling it as part of the annual Summer Institute on Intercultural Communication is great for Portland where Al lived, worked, and wrote most of his career.”
[Al Siebert, PhD (1935-2009), wrote several books, the best known being the award- winners The Survivor Personality and The Resiliency Advantage.]
The interactive sessions will explore how people in the U.S. and other cultures respond to major upheavals such as loss of jobs, loss of limbs, poorly planned mergers, service in war zones, and unusually stressful personal and organizational change. Participants will assess their own resiliency using an instrument, The Resiliency Quiz, developed by Dr. Siebert.
Topics addressed include: current resiliency research, the Five Levels of Resiliency, responses of those in Japan to the tsunami and nuclear crisis, how to create emotionally supportive organizational cultures, the three stages of transition and practical ways to take care of oneself and one’s families.
Registration information is available at http://intercultural.org/resilience.php. The form to register is at http://intercultural.org/resiliencereg.php
Graphics, photos, and more information on the resiliency conference speakers, their topics, and the center can be found at: http://www.ResiliencyCenter.com/siic-conference.shtml
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- International Resiliency Experts to Gather for Conference at Reed College
International Resiliency Experts to Gather for Conference at Reed College
Last updated Wednesday, May 8, 2013 12:54 ET7/22-24/2013: Resiliency experts to present interactive conference exploring how people in different cultures and situations respond to difficult circumstances.

Portland, USA, 05/08/2013 / SubmitMyPR /
resiliency conference
resiliency research
portland metro area
al siebert phd
interactive conference
organizational cultures
intercultural communication institute
cascade employers association