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2013-14 CPS Vendor Source Book for Chicago Public School System

Last updated Thursday, August 22, 2013 08:39 ET

Vendor Source Corporation is about to launched 2013-14 CPS Vendor Source Book-a new innovative online platform, mobile app and physical directory.

Chicago, USA, 08/22/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Certified vendors as well as new businesses in the United States are up for more exposure and greater profits after Vendor Source launched 2013-14 CPS Vendor Source Book. This represents a new version in the line of CPS vendor source books with the previous 2011-12 and 2012-13 continuing to bring immense success to existing businesses and vendors in the United States. The company is indeed on a mission to become a leading partner on the marketing front by ensuring that new businesses gain a strong foothold in the market.

According to the highly rated marketing agency, the new source book will help businesses get exposure to Chicago public schools which offer a wide array of opportunities. Conversely, they (new businesses) will get exposure in Chicago Public school system, the third largest school district in the nation boasting of a 5.1 billion dollar budget in only one marketing effort-something that many businesses have been looking forward to. For many business owners, building a trustworthy brand name and getting a wide array of opportunities to exploit with a motive of making profits, is their sole purpose for existence. The management has thus assured that with the use of the new 2013-14 CPS Vendor Source Book, success is attainable.

2013-14 CPS Vendor Source Book is an innovative online platform, a mobile app and a physical directory for certified vendors. According to a statement released today after the launch, not only will the vendor source book help build a brand name but also a guarantee for competition to be where clients are. This translates to smooth running of businesses despite heavy competition from other players.

Vendor source has been in business for long offering vendor source directories to new and existing certified vendors. The fact that businesses can get the most cost efficient advertisement tool city wide is amazing. Ad space and exposure are offered at very competitive rates and this makes the company an ideal stop for you. Feel free to visit vendor source directory for more details about the new vendor source book.