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SocialCentiv Announces New Relationship With Gnip

Last updated Friday, October 2, 2015 16:56 ET

SocialCentiv is announcing its new relationship with social data provider Gnip, which will provide data for its Twitter marketing tool.

Dallas, 10/02/2015 / SubmitMyPR /

Gnip, a leading provider of data for social media websites that was acquired by Twitter last year, will now be providing data for top ranking Twitter marketing tool SocialCentiv. The company is announcing the new relationship, which it says will provide users of the tool with complete access to both historic and real-time Tweets.


About Gnip


Gnip is touted as a world leader in the aggregation of social data. The company was reportedly one of the first of its type and known to be an early influencer in the development of the “real time web.” Social media giant Twitter purchased the company in April of last year.


Three Key Benefits Access to Gnip Social Data Will Have for SocialCentiv Users


In a recent blog on SocialCentiv’s website, social media marketing expert Kristina Hegmann outlined three key benefits the new relationship with Gnip will provide to businesses that use SocialCentiv to support their Twitter marketing campaigns. These include:


  1. Tweet Filtering - According to Hegmann “With more than 500 million Tweets sent each day, the thought of sifting through to find the best tweets for your business is overwhelming. With Gnip, we’re able to provide the most relevant Tweets for your business.”

  2. Klout Scores and Categories - Hegmann states “SocialCentiv has already implemented Influencer scores via Klout that are displayed for potential customers within the Tweet stream. Additionally, the top two categories for a potential customer will appear when hovering a Klout score. It’s important to note that the categories will only appear for users who 1. have a registered Klout account that’s connected their Twitter account, and 2. selected the categories they are experts about.”

  3. Geotargeting - With regard to geotargeting, Hegmann suggests “Gnip reverse geocodes text data that people have entered into their twitter profile so that we are able to fetch tweets based on latitude, longitude, and radius. This is similar to our Inuit feature, which returns alternate names for cities, states, and countries (collectively referred to as descriptors). Descriptors can include common misspellings like “Dallas”, abbreviations such as “DAL”, or nicknames such as “Big D”.


Hegmann asserts that this is significant “because a business with a target location of “Dallas” would miss out on several possible variations of that name, like “D-Town” and “Big D.”


About SocialCentiv


SocialCentiv helps business of practically every type find new customers on Twitter. The leading Dallas based Twitter marketing agency  is one of the most unique on the market that combs through thousands of conversations on the top social network that are going on in real time to single out those relatable to what a business has to offer. It then helps facilitate connections between businesses and potential customers by targeting relevant conversations. SocialCentiv has multiple features that help make engagement with Twitter users easier and more effective for business marketing.


More information about SocialCentiv can be found by visiting http://socialcentiv.com/. Currently, the company is offering demos that allow businesses that are interested in learning more about how the tool can help them meet their Twitter marketing goals to see how the software produces an average 34 percent conversion rate for clients. Information about how to request a demo is also available on the company’s website.


Media Contact:

Macy English, SocialCentiv



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