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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Gives Tips on What to Do After a Motorcycle Crash

Last updated Friday, June 9, 2017 11:05 ET

Being involved in a motorcycle crash can be overwhelming

Philadelphia, USA, 06/09/2017 / SubmitMyPR /

Theres no getting around the fact that motorcyclists are incredibly vulnerable in a crash. Without the protective shell of a car around them, motorcyclists are at risk of being catastrophically hurt in an auto accident.

In 2014 alone, over 16 percent of all fatal vehicle accidents in Pennsylvania involved motorcycles. There were also over 3,300 motorcycle-related injuries and nearly 200 deaths.

Being involved in a motorcycle crash can be overwhelming. When youre dealing with physical pain and emotional distress, its hard to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your personal injury case. Here are some important things to do if youve been injured in a crash.

  • Get Medical Help Sooner Rather Than Later

Chances are, if youre involved in a motorcycle crash, you will definitely need medical help right away. However, some people are extremely fortunate and manage to walk away from the accident.

Even if you're one of these fortunate individuals, however, dont make the mistake of thinking you're not injured. Many injuries take time to manifest symptoms. You might have a neck, back, or spine injury and not realize it for many days. Or you might have suffered a concussion without realizing it.

If you delay getting medical treatment, the insurance company will probably try to argue that you werent really hurt, or that something else caused your injuries. Don't give the insurance company the opportunity to challenge your claim. Begin documenting your injuries right away with a doctor.

  • Take Photos of Your Injuries and the Scene

If you own a smartphone, you can use it to start documenting your injuries as soon as they occur. Dont be afraid to snap photos of the crash scene, including the state of the road, the condition of your motorcycle, and any tire marks on the road. You should also take photos of your injuries if youre in a physical condition to do so safely.

  • Get in Touch with Witnesses

Eyewitness testimony can be invaluable in a personal injury case. However, the human memory begins to degrade almost immediately after a person observes something. The best thing to do is preserve a persons eyewitness account by recording it as close to the observation as possible. If you can, record the person describing what they saw. If you can't get a recording, ask for their name and contact information so your lawyer can get in touch as soon as possible.

  • Speak to a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Your next step should be to speak to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer as quickly as you can. In most cases, the insurance company will contact you right away. Be polite when you speak to the insurer, but don't volunteer information about your injuries. Remember that the insurance company is in the business of making money. The insurer makes more if it can find a reason to deny your claim. Let your lawyer handle communication with the insurance company whenever possible.

Philadelphia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Discusses Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Philadelphia motorcycle accident lawyer Joel J. Kofsky states, Motorcycle accidents more often than not result in catastrophic injuries. Motorcyclists can suffer concussions, broken bones, amputations, burns, and severe road rash. If you've been hurt in a motorcycle accident, you need to work with an experienced lawyer who can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Protect your rights by speaking to a Philadelphia motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible.


  1. http://www.dot.state.pa.us/public/Bureaus/HighwaySafety/Web%20Development/Crash%20Facts%20Book/2014_CFB_linked.pdf

Media Contact:Philadelphia motorcycle accident lawyer Joel J. Kofsky. T: 215-735-4800.?

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