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Clean Cold Brew Brand Quivr Offers 1st Canned Decaf Nitro Coffee Subscription with National Shipping

Last updated Wednesday, October 7, 2020 08:00 ET , Source: Quivr

Clean cold brew brand Quivr offers beverage industry’s first fresh, decaffeinated canned nitro cold coffee subscription service with national shipping.

Easthampton, USA, 10/07/2020 / SubmitMyPR /

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Clean Cold Brew Brand Quivr Offers First Canned Decaf Nitro Cold Coffee Subscription Service with National Shipping

BOSTON October 7, 2020- Clean cold brew brand Quivr offers beverage industry’s first fresh, decaffeinated canned nitro cold coffee subscription service with national shipping. Showcasing quality coffees and teas, Quivr has sold ready-to-drink cans at over 100 select stores across New England, as well as online with one-time and scheduled subscription options available nationwide.

“We were mindful of caffeine sensitivity and determined to provide a beverage that met that need,” said Quivr co-owner Mukunda Feldman. Quivr’s marketing leader and co-owner Ash Crawford remarked, “we are delighted our fresh, additive-free canned decaf nitro cold brew subscription is the first of its kind to ship across the country.”

Quivr’s operation begins with selecting premium coffees and teas. Remarking on the beverage brand’s selection process, Feldman said, “we showcase cold brews that we enjoy and are functional. We don’t want to ruin the great flavors of our coffees and teas with sugar or dairy. At Quivr, we offer a beverage for every occasion.” Crawford noted, “a quiver contains many arrows, we have flavors and functional drinks for everyone.”

The company’s coffee offerings include a regular cold brew coffee and a decaffeinated version. Quivr’s coffee beans are sourced and roasted by Barrington Coffee Roasters. Black tea, oolong, and a hibiscus ginger herbal are Quivr’s featured teas. All teas are steeped in small batches using premium loose-leaf selections. Every option is dairy-free, sugar-free, and free of preservatives. Each variety is canned in 12-ounce servings and infused with nitrogen for a uniquely smooth, thirst-quenching experience.

Quivr’s vision started with brothers and co-owners Ash Crawford and Mukunda Feldman’s experience drinking nitrogen-infused cold brew varieties previously available on the market. “We’ve been trying different canned cold brews for years and just haven’t experienced a product we loved,” remarked Crawford. Feldman continued, “most drinks available in bottles and cans are packed with sugar and preservatives like citric acid in an attempt to mask poor-quality products. We offer a clean cold brew alternative that tastes great because of the quality and doesn’t hide behind additives.”

Quivr implements several quality control steps to ensure safe products. Cold brewed coffee and tea selections undergo a thorough filtration process. Quivr ships all products using cold packs and recyclable materials to safely deliver minimally-processed beverages with minimal environmental impact.

Beyond trusted quality and product safety, Quivr provides a personalized customer experience. Quivr’s cold brew subscription service is customizable to the shopper’s desired schedule and taste preferences. The clean cold brew brothers frequently reach out to patrons to discuss buying options. “I’ll often text a customer to see if they’d like to wait on our newest batch prior to shipment. It’s not about the money for us, it’s about making sure coffees and teas are enjoyed at peak freshness,” Crawford said about the family wellness brand’s customer service standards.

Quivr is a clean cold brew brand that offers fresh, additive-free products. Founded by brothers and fitness-enthusiasts Ash Crawford and Mukunda Feldman, Quivr showcases a line of nitro cold brew refreshments free of preservatives, sugar and dairy. Quivr’s pure products are distributed by grocery chains such as Big Y, as well as by small businesses and fitness centers. Visit Quivr’s webpage to find out more about their true nitro cold brew decaf subscription program.
