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Discover How We Can Overcome Negative Effects

Last updated Thursday, January 7, 2021 23:24 ET , Source: NewsService

The simple inequality is that, evil is better than good; this distorts our minds and lives. The word of critique devastates us but we are 'moved' by the shower of praise. Rule the negative effect!

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, N/A, 01/07/2021 / SubmitMyPR /
The Power of Bad by John Tierney
The Power of Bad Book

When we see the aggressive face in the crowd, and we lose all sorts of polite smiles. The book presented this fact in daily life that is commonly used. These are some important topics I love the most from this book.

Remove the negative thoughts:

The author finds that when you choose whether to do better or stop the bad, the smarter decision is to remove the negative if you can do just one thing. As the negative is removed, it will have a greater impact than just doing better. One example is that Netherlands researchers have demonstrated that inappropriate parenthood scares children, but being particularly conscious does not make children happy or healthier. The guideline for our lives is to be good enough, a great parent, a good wife, a loyal person or a good neighbor, a good teacher or a manager, not to reach excellence, but to prevent errors.

Realistic mind enrolling:

An optimistic ratio is introduced to calculate how bad situations are and is the sum of good events for each incorrect occurrence. And over time, scientists find that the rule of four here applied, that one good thing does not normally justify one bad thing. So, it needs at least four great moments for one negative moment to do better than normal. The author advises thinking rationally by balancing the advantages and drawbacks of certain contractions that we take when confronting or preventing harm.

Devil inside of the brain:

The first diving man in the space was capable of facing emotional terror. Felix was a skyscraper, and he was known as Fearless Felix by his followers. Yet, he found himself unable to conquer anxiety and wanted to abandon until he performed space dives and put on the spacesuit. Multiple structures in our brains have been built to produce sensations of anxiety even though we do not realize a threat, which means that our neural system is even adversely affected.

The wrong and right way to express news:

To deliver negative news, the boss continues with the qualities and successes of the employee before he hits criticization. Generally, this isn't what the employee thinks. The passion is forgotten, and the employee can't get something wrong out of his head. In the center of the slice, he's surprising. A talk that should encourage better work has demoralized him. Use this strength of the negative to your benefit after you have earned the critique. When critique begins, don't rely on compliments and changes in the future.

Awards and fines:

Penalties will be more successful. The author claims. An example will be a religious ideology, in which negative influence is again more powerful than positive. In the end, the penalty will be a valuable method for fixing errors since we all err, and the best way to develop is better to use the effect of negativity.